RAW Sets the Pace for the Royal Rumble...

Happy Holidays, Enthusiasts! Behold the final post of 2020! It was a stunning year for all the wrong reasons but some home truths came to light so it’s not all bad. Let’s get to what’s circulating in the wrestling world, shall we? So, you don’t need me to inform you of Brodie Lee’s/Luke Harper’s passing. This is just too bad. I didn’t know much about him but it’s put a smile on my face that I kinda pegged him right. A few posts back I said something along the lines that I bet both Luke Harper and Erick Rowan probably smelled like baby powder despite their disheveled appearances. I read that he did in fact keep good care of his “gear” and did not offend. The news coming out is that he was sick since October. That’s what floored me. I had no idea anything was wrong. Those are the toughest hits. Note how the concept of Impermanence affects Life. Nothing is forever and we have no idea how much time we’ve got. It’s sad to see good people pass. If it makes you feel bette...