RAW Fallout - MITB
What’s Going On, Enthusiasts? How did you like Money in the Bank? I had fun. There are a lot of gripes floating through the IWC but what else is new. I have to say that I’m very proud of the Ladies as those who cared to take the poll deemed the Women’s MITB Ladder Match as Match of the Night. It wasn’t perfect, by far but it was well-executed and the Ladies who could, did. I don’t mind Tiffany Stratton winning. I see why she’s getting pushed and can see that she has a future in WWE. We shall see how she matures. Iyo Sky and Zoey Stark had some solid spots as did Chelsea Green. It’s about all she can do. Have to give props to Naomi for the splits across a couple ladders too. It was a fun match and I’m glad they just buckled down and did the job. However, it wasn’t my favorite match of the evening. I’m glad they earned the general consensus but the Heavyweight Championship had me rolling. A lot of people are bitching about how it leaves Drew McInty...