Any Good Ideas, SmackDown?...

Like, any at all 😉 Happy Friday, Enthusiasts! I hope it is a good one for you because I am done! I’m just worn out. Ain’t as young as I used to be. Done been spent by the week. Well, I’m not going to bore you with all that. There’s actually some buzz fluttering about the WWE Universe at the moment. Everyone’s doing the financial analysis thing and the WWE appears to be coming up short. This isn’t exactly surprising. Though the content has been better than in previous years and even with nailing the Royal Rumble, in my opinion, a lot of the content continues to be hit or miss. The Fiend is a primary example. So, this may be the “beginning”. We’re going to see quite a bit of trial and error until a new stride is discovered. I say, bring it! It’s about time, really. An overhaul has been overdue and now they have the solid numbers to back it up. That’s how situations like...