SummerSlam 2024 - Matches of Interest

How’s It Going Enthusiasts! Welcome to SummerSlam! Have no idea what to expect but that’s okay. I’m enjoying the day for more casual yet personal reasons today. Nevertheless, I’ll be watching at 4pm PDT and while I am I will be looking at just a few matches. The rest either should perform or have to. First match I’m curious about is GUNTHER vs. Damian Priest. I think we’re on the cusp of a Priest Face Turn. My only question is, where does it go? Not that I mind that he earns respect but what’s next is the real question. The thing about Gunther is that he’s simple. The point is to win. Who is the next opponent? See, give him someone else to mangle. Priest now has to have some sort of quest or be some sort of adjudicator. Not sure if the landscape is quite set up for that at present. However, I don’t think that should mean Gunther wins. Priest is in an interesting space right now because he’s winning on merit. He’s just doing a great job with a shit positi...