That Actually Wasn't All That Bad. WrestleMania Day 2, You Got Better?...

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts? This a good Sunday for you? Well, the first taped WrestleMania was actually a lot of fun. I appreciate the cinematic element of the final matches because given the circumstances, that makes a lot of sense. You have to present the action in a way that audience response isn’t necessary. You either are in to what you’re watching or you’re not. It’s for that reason, I choose Kevin Owens vs. Seth Rollins as the match of the night. It could go great on their reel if they ever decide to do a movie or guest spot on some high action television. Owens could be some sloppy cop with a knack for solving a crime and Rollins could be some up and coming drug dealer/gun runner trying to make a name for himself in the big city. They could put in like Des Moines, Iowa or someplace to make it believable. I wouldn’t pay for it but if it ended up on Tubi or something, I’d check it out. As for the main event...