
Showing posts with the label review

GIVING IT TO YOU RAW…What Happened Last Night (Feb. 9th, 2015)

Well, Enthusiasts I’m not one to toot my own horn but please allow me a brief “rooty-toot-toot” seeing how my views for how the WWE should proceed with Roman Reigns is more or less coming to fruition.  I said to write in the question of his wrestling ability 5 months ago and after ambling down a long and winding road, we’ve come to the obvious plot device.  Hey, working with a format such as this, you kinda have to work with what you got regardless of any "plans" anyone may have.  Making the real struggle a part of the story makes things easier for everybody. As for this week’s episode of RAW in total, it was fun.  I had a good time.  Were my socks blown off?  No.  Am I any more interested in Fast Lane?  Meh, not so much but I may come around and take a gander just ‘cause it’s free but, I think it’s pretty clear that Creative has its hands full trying to figure out how to tie all this together into something We the Audience care to watch al...