SmackDown Comes Peeling into Fastlane....

How Are You Doing, Enthusiasts? Glad the week’s is done? Yeah, me too. So, what’s going on in the wrestling world? Well, the biggest news appears to be Charly Caruso peace-ing out. Whether this is voluntary or not seems to be the real point of contention. Rumors are saying that she had been late to perform some roster interviews and just generally not the most professional recently. Well, that sounds like she got another gig to me but who knows. As we can see, WWE has already moved on with her replacement in Kevin Patrick so, I suppose that’s that. Another interesting bit of news is how Kevin Owens isn’t feeling too confident about a having a place in WrestleMania this year. Well, he can’t fully complain because he got plenty of action in December which a lot of the roster, I’m sure, would have gladly taken. This is why WWE needs to focus on developing the WWE Universe. There’s no reason the likes of Kevin Owens should be sitting on the sidelines. What’s the point ...