Back for More RAW. It Can Only Be Expected...

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts! Hope this Monday finds you well. So, we’re back at it with RAW continuing the charge towards Money in the Bank and there’s not too much stirring the pot at least, that’s how it looks. We can look forward to Kevin Owens and Finn B álor going round and round for a bit, not sure what other than bragging rights is at stake. Braun Strowman is going to stomp his way towards Mr. Bobby Roode for this week’s “David vs. Goliath” match. Natalya will counter by playing “Davida” to Nia Jax’s “Goliatha”. And there will be a #1 Contenders match with all the tag team leavings to see who will be fed to the duo of Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy for the Tag Team Championship. I think I’ve already voiced my lackluster sentiments for the Hardy/Wyatt pairing. Seeing how the “Bludgeon Brothers” aren’t exactly landing either, I’m hoping that there will be some sort of rebellion in the works. Maybe the Brothers Bludgeon abduct ...