
Showing posts with the label stay loose.

RAW Establishes a Groove Before the Royal Rumble...

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts?   We’re bracing for another round of wind over here in Southern California. It’s not so bad in my part of town but the advisory allowed me an extra remote day so, really can’t complain. As for the rumblings in the Wrestling World, there are some but only a couple caught my eye. That should keep things brief tonight so, let’s not dally and get the chat over with.   We’ll let the Realm of AEW do its thing for now. I’ll chime in when it feels right. Yet, the WWE Universe has some options to consider. Bad Bunny wants another shot at a match and he wants to be full on Heel. I guess that could work. You guys know me. Since he’s not exactly a menacing type, I’d have him lean on comedy heavily but I’m down. Bunny understands the assignment so, why not? I don’t know where this happens, but I don’t mind if it does. We’ll see how it all comes together.   In other news, Scott Steiner’s son, Brock Rechsteiner, was offered a NIL (Next in Line) c...

RAW Fallout - MITB

What’s Going On, Enthusiasts?   How did you like Money in the Bank? I had fun. There are a lot of gripes floating through the IWC but what else is new.   I have to say that I’m very proud of the Ladies as those who cared to take the poll deemed the Women’s MITB Ladder Match as Match of the Night. It wasn’t perfect, by far but it was well-executed and the Ladies who could, did.   I don’t mind Tiffany Stratton winning. I see why she’s getting pushed and can see that she has a future in WWE. We shall see how she matures. Iyo Sky and Zoey Stark had some solid spots as did Chelsea Green. It’s about all she can do. Have to give props to Naomi for the splits across a couple ladders too. It was a fun match and I’m glad they just buckled down and did the job.   However, it wasn’t my favorite match of the evening. I’m glad they earned the general consensus but the Heavyweight Championship had me rolling. A lot of people are bitching about how it leaves Drew McInty...

SmackDown Tosses Caution to the Wind and Tosses Gas on the Fire for WrestleMania...

Happy Friday, Enthusiasts! How’s everyone doing? Can’t say I have too many troubles. No more than most. So, there are a few things we can discuss today. Nothing earth shattering but enough to fill up a few minutes of reading time. Let’s get in to it, shall we? Let’s start out in the Indy Wildlands as House Rhodes introduces some new faces. The nephews to Cody and Dustin “Goldust” Rhodes, Wayne and Wyatt had their first professional match representing Dustin’s wrestling school the Rhodes Wrestling Academy. They’re not the biggest kids so, I’m not sure what the future holds but if they’re fine performers and have that Rhodes Heart they should do all right. Welcome to the show, kids. Now, the wrestling world just wouldn’t be what it is without shit talk so let’s review what got spilled this week. First off, Ronda Rousey was doing the best version of herself as she gave her take of the “shit show” that is WWE. Needless to say, it wasn’t a glowing report but what was even clearer is that th...

SmackDown Gets a Christmas Break...

  Isn’t that nice 😉 It’s only fair since RAW is gonna run a clip show. So, tonight we can look forward to pre-recorded action. As for wrestling, news there’s a lot of speculation floating around but nothing concrete as of yet but still a little to kick around so, let’s have a brief chat. But before I get into that, let me just take a quick moment to say thanks to everyone stopping by. I know my little blog isn’t popular but it always surprises me when I get some traffic. The way I appear to work is that though my fans are few, they are die-hard so it’s nice to get a little recognition from time to time but I’ll be honest, I’ll be partial to those who’ve been there since Day 1. Anyway, as for industry speculations, the likes of Dolph Ziggler, Shelton Benjamin and Mustafa Ali become free agents this week. As some of you may know, Matt Riddle recently signed with MLW which prompts me to be a bit conflicted because I am no fan of his. I like MLW but I’m thankful for their scant TV pre...

WrestleMania 39 Is Complete - RAW Gives Us the Fallout...

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts? Did you enjoy WrestleMania? Well, I think Night 1 won the evenings overall, hands down, but I think Night 2 ended just as it ought to have. Yet, you all know there is bigger news circulating so, let’s talk about that and then breakdown Sunday night. So, it happened. UFC and WWE have merged into some sort of MMA, sports entertainment infused super conglomerate. Now, as much as I wasn’t buying into the hype, I know that there tends to be a modicum of truth in rumor. I just didn’t want to jump to conclusions like so many commenters do.  However, this may be the elusive “perfect buyer” that I didn’t know existed. This solution could hold WWE to some accountability and UFC could veto absolutely atrocious ideas that WWE sometimes try to float. The “realness” of UFC will probably push WWE to present itself more realistically which could iron out a lot of their shoddier ways of presenting content due to no one “questioning management”. Yet, as hopeful as I may ...