How RAW Does It Have to Get Before It Gets EXTREME?....
What's Going On, Enthusiasts!
So, it looks like we've got ourselves the Go-Home RAW for this Sunday's Extreme Rules PPV and I'm not really sure what we're supposed to be gearing up for besides the PPV itself. We do know that there is talk of title changes and #1 Contenders but that's always the case. For me, I'm curious to see how they're going to make this Lil' Finn Bálor make sense against all these guys that have at least a hundred pounds on him.
Now, I'm all for the underdog, I love the underdog but let's just get real here for a minute. Though I do not doubt his overall athleticism, I don't see how he believably puts a dent in these guys. Entertainment wrestling is far from Kung Fu and unless Bálor knows some sort of Fu, I don't see him coming out alive. In NXT he did have his demon alter ego to go along with the Celtic Bálor myth but it looks like the WWE isn't sure that angle works with a mainstream audience. I see that point but in a case like this, it might need to be imaginatively implemented. What do you think, Enthusiasts? Does Bálor have a real shot? He's got a fan base no doubt but does have the mettle? I suppose we'll see what they come up with. Funny tweets get retweeted and Favorites, we'll see if anyone is so witty.
See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
So, it looks like we've got ourselves the Go-Home RAW for this Sunday's Extreme Rules PPV and I'm not really sure what we're supposed to be gearing up for besides the PPV itself. We do know that there is talk of title changes and #1 Contenders but that's always the case. For me, I'm curious to see how they're going to make this Lil' Finn Bálor make sense against all these guys that have at least a hundred pounds on him.
Now, I'm all for the underdog, I love the underdog but let's just get real here for a minute. Though I do not doubt his overall athleticism, I don't see how he believably puts a dent in these guys. Entertainment wrestling is far from Kung Fu and unless Bálor knows some sort of Fu, I don't see him coming out alive. In NXT he did have his demon alter ego to go along with the Celtic Bálor myth but it looks like the WWE isn't sure that angle works with a mainstream audience. I see that point but in a case like this, it might need to be imaginatively implemented. What do you think, Enthusiasts? Does Bálor have a real shot? He's got a fan base no doubt but does have the mettle? I suppose we'll see what they come up with. Funny tweets get retweeted and Favorites, we'll see if anyone is so witty.
See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
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