Back in the Saddle - So Let's Get RAW...

Evening Enthusiasts,

As I'm sure you've noticed, I've been decidedly preoccupied with the goings-on of this year's ComicCon and though I didn't get to see the biggest celebs or sit in on the juiciest panels, I had myself a grand ol'time if somewhat low-key in comparison to some.  Well, it appears that there are those who would prefer it if my attention isn't spread too thinly (^_~)  I guess I can oblige to a point.

In any case, I am now returning to my usual standard programming and that brings us to the BattleGround "Go-Home" rounds to set us up for this Sunday.  Like I said, I haven't been paying too much attention but now that I have to return to "normal" I'll see if my appetite is whetted any.  Who's with me?  Funny tweets get retweeted and we'll just leave the door open for any Favorites that might walk through.

See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis.
