So Uhh....What Were You Trying to Do Here?... [SMACKDOWN - 29.08.2014]

I’ve been a fan of the WWE since high school.  Like many, I lost interest at the end of the Attitude Era but, a few years ago, I got curious and looked in to see what was going on. I’ve been watching steadily ever since.  Yet, what brings me to write today, unfortunately, is the fact that for the first time, I was so disappointed with what was presented, I felt compelled to voice my opinion publicly.  I understand if this is just a matter of putting theories into action to see if they work or not.  I can even understand if it was just a flat out bad show.  My problem is that what was presented at this latest SmackDown (aired Aug. 29th) was so shoddy, that I fear that Creative doesn’t even know what they’re doing.  I mean, regarding the Reigns push, I felt bad even a little embarrassed for them.  It was like WWE Creative is going out of its way to over-complicate a simple thing.  How are you going to push someone, if you’re not even clear on how to do it or rather, are doing it in a way that is no longer relevant? 

I get that at times, you merely have to work with what you’ve got but, I think if you’re going to push Reigns to be the next big Face, you’re going to have to do it in a way that makes sense. There’s nothing wrong with pairing him with Big Show and Mark Henry, I think they could serve as good mentors, but it’s a matter of fundamentals.  Accept that the audience is more cognizant or at least, more well-informed these days.  The audience is smark by default nowadays.  We know what the WWE is trying to do with Reigns.  So, his performance will be scrutinized.  I think it’s probably collectively agreed that he needs work, just as a wrestler.  The choreography is stilted, the feuds kind of whatever -- though the one with Orton works -- and he’s not great on the mic.  If this is the Reality Era and Reigns is being primed to be the new Face, I think he should be presented from that angle. His matches, until the timing is right and his execution clean, should be like training to be in the Beijing Opera for him, in the ring and out, literally.  There should be blood, sweat, tears, vomit, all of it!  Turn it up to "12" with this guy.  Make it part of the story.  Make it seem like the WWE wants to make sure they get a return on this investment.  Get some Pai Mei looking dude to keep time in the corner if that helps, but give this push some thought.  You don’t have to show the training montage but we should get the feeling that one could easily be cut together.  Work him until he works.  Break him down and build him back up again.  Don’t bother with incorporating a feud per se, unless it involves Rollins, or Orton. In Rollins’ case, it should only be to help out or support Ambrose because Rollins is Ambrose’s bone to chase.  And that being the case, Reigns should only intervene if Ambrose is overrun.  Until Ambrose gets back, maybe have Reigns show up only when Rollins is talking shit.  Use that sparingly though, just to vary up The Push angle.  Overall, the story arch should concern Reigns’ talent /abilities as a wrestler.  They should come under fire.  He should be proving that he is, in fact, “The Guy” or is going to do what it takes to be.

To facilitate, perhaps have Kane or a Vickie Guerrero type, maybe bring in HBK to act more like a Stage Manager again, and have it “come down from the Top” that the WWE is going in a different direction and that everything is up for grabs.  Get out there “and win” i.e. put on a good show and you’ll be rewarded.  That way, the whole roster can show what they can do, ask for matches, shots at titles and everyone falls where they may…as Creative decides.  Reigns, however, should be whipped into shape.  That shouldn’t be directly stated but all his matches should work him out. Nothing is on the line, other than his reputation.  He should kill it against Heels and maybe 50/50 with other Faces.  With Orton returning, on top of pushing for a rematch, Orton can rub salt in the wound, his point being he’s a better “wrestler” than Reigns, further fueling the feud.  It’s not about whether Reigns wins or loses. It’s all about the execution.  If you want people to root for him, he has to be worthy of supporting.  He shouldn’t get it, until he earns it.  Otherwise, the storyline becomes an insult to the audience. We know he’s supposed to be the new Face, but can he actually do it? Will it actually take? The proof will always be in the pudding. If the goal is to make this a success, set Reigns up to actually succeed.  I don’t think that’s happening right now.  There's plenty of potential but if it continues in the vein of the last SmackDown,  you’ll sink this ship before it gets out the harbor, in my humble opinion.  Why do that to the poor guy?  He seems to mean well.  Focus on branding him correctly, not moving things towards Wrestlemania or the next PPV.  That can easily be done in other ways.  Else, the WWE will have Reigns there but for what? To put on a bad match? To make everyone want their money back?  Doing this right, benefits the WWE. Why mess it up?

That being said, pitting Orton and Reigns against each other is a no-brainer, so there is hope. That should be a major rivalry but, it’s has to get “real” and Creative has to remember to have fun or produce material that is at least fun/interesting to watch.  This last Reigns bit was down right painful. It seemed random and slapdash. I’m not sure what the process is but perhaps a different approach should be investigated.  Maybe just get back to basics for a bit and hype things up.  For instance, I would love to see Orton get his head smashed through a car door window.  I don’t know, if done right it could be a lot of fun.   All Creative has to do is set up a back and forth with Reigns.  Reigns does something insubordinate to piss Orton off and Orton can start it off by jumping him in the locker room.  Wait a couple sessions and have Reigns tag him back outside.  In the middle of that, Orton’s head gets put through a car window. *BOOM* I’d watch that.  It could be set up with relative ease and all they have to do is focus on execution.  This stuff isn’t rocket science.  It just has to be exciting, well-executed and have a loose plot, like most Kung-Fu movies.  Same-diff!  Only the genre is "Sports Entertainment". Focus on putting on a good show first, then plot devices. I may not have the required credentials to write for Creative but, I bet you I could string together some fun stuff to watch, which seems to be something they’re having a hard time with at the moment.  Just saying.

All in all, let’s not lie and say that Reigns is where he needs to be.  We know.  We can see that.  So, write it in.  To underestimate the audience is a sure-fire way to lose it.  The WWE needs to understand that they need us, way more than we need them.  There has to be a standard of excellence maintained if it is to keep itself separate from the amateurs.  Last SmackDown seemed phoned-in at best.  If I can sit here and pound out better ideas on a whim, what the hell is Creative’s problem?  You don’t have to think too hard about this.  Wrestling skills not yet up to snuff, I’m sure a good ol’fashioned ass-kicking could be orchestrated.  Work with what you got until Reigns reaches the next stage. And that could be easily worked into the story.  Heels can be resentful and challenge him.  Faces can speak in his favor or stay out of it and focus on their own careers, in case he slips up.  Execute this in a semi-believable fashion, you’ll get better results on the whole.   

Understand that I want to continue being a WWE fan. I want to accept this as more than just an outlet for a primitive bloodlust. I want to have a good time and know a good time will be had.  But if the closing card just looks like something I could throw together on the fly, I’m going to start wondering why I bother.  This pitch should be cake.  Why is it falling flat?   

Well, in any case, let’s hope the next RAW sets things on a better path.

*Opinions welcome
