Let Us Feast Upon a SummerSlam SMACKDOWN...

Evening Enthusiasts! Well, that darn busy schedule kept me partially aware of this week's RAW but now I have some breathing room to get a little caught up and set for Sunday's SummerSlam! 4 hour spec-ta-larrrr, I'm hearing they're gonna have. Oi. Well, I'll have plenty of "distractions" to keep it all interesting. Not to say that I'll be bored, I'm just gonna treat it like any other epic event. I'm going to ease myself into a inebriated stupor and chase it with food coma (^_~) Get the feeling plenty of you will do the same. But, before we get into that, let's get into the Smackdown mood, shall we? Funny tweets get retweeted and somewhere out there, a Favorite awaits... See You in a Bit, -Nicole Alexis.