It's Monday Night So, Let's Get RAW...

Greetings Enthusiasts!

Well, I've been spotty on my watching but I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things.  Hmm, a little bit of drama during the house shows this past week, huh.  Maybe it's a sign (^_~)  Well, some of us are more cantankerous than others yet, that doesn't allow for bad behavior.  We get a bad enough rap as it is.  Let's try to keep each other from getting worse reps around town...wherever it may be.  

In any case, so we're gearing up for SummerSlam are we?  Hmm, curious as always but keeping expectations low.  Let's see how tonight's RAW starts the buildup.  Funny tweets get retweeted & mayhaps we'll be graced with a Favorite?  We shall see.

See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis.

