The Feast Is Over! Back to RAW Business...

Greetings, Enthusiasts!

I hope Thanksgiving stuffed you all to the gills.  Now, it’s back to it with Christmas and New Year’s in our sights.  To be honest, though this year boasts WWE events for the remaining holidays I can’t help but feel a little bittersweet for the roster.  This schedule has got to suck.

In any case, tonight gets us back into the WWE swing of things with not much to report.  We’ll get a look at Roman Reigns potentially.  There’s talk of putting the Intercontinental Championship up for the “Open Challenge” with his boys Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins contemplating reclaiming the tag-team titles.  Meanwhile, Paige will be storming the halls with her NXT Wrecking Crew looking for fresh meat and after that, Mr. Braun Strowman will weigh the consequences of seeking revenge on Dad (Kane).   You may not expect it, but tonight’s episode could be a surprise success mainly because of the proverbial “blank slate” that lies before us. 

Though the WWE does this often, with Survivor Series done and dusted and the year-end holidays approaching, entertainment will be key.  If it’s not football they have to contend with in the competition for ratings it’s the whole Holiday Season.  The lot of us will be distracted with preparations, excursions and general socializing.  Why should we leave wrassling on in the background during all this?  The WWE is going to have to provide an answer or get left behind in the shuffle.  Let’s see if they manage to tread water.   Funny tweets get retweeted and as for Likes/Favorites let’s see if we’re given something to commend.

See You in a Bit,

-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
