
Showing posts from September, 2021

Let's Review the Fallout with RAW...

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts!   So, Extreme Rules came and went and though there were some misses I would say it was mostly a hit. We just tend to focus on the flaws. The flaws arrived in the areas I thought they would for the most part which could be viewed as both a good and bad thing. Good because it forces WWE back to the drawing board to think about it. Bad because WWE has to take a hit before it course corrects itself. I know we’d all would rather them just get it right the first time but these hits and misses prove they don’t really know how to do that.   I know a bit disconcerting when it comes to a billion dollar company but it would seem their strengths lie in business not entertainment per se. The same things not working points to WWE having to rethink their Creative Department no matter what. Their content is not landing and where it is landing, they don’t really need Creative so…I’ll just leave that there.   Anyway, what I’m getting at is Alexa Bli...

Extreme Rules Has Arrived.....

A Merry Extreme Rules, Enthusiasts!   I know that many don’t really care about this one but that never stops me. I’m here for the action. This will be an interesting evening because it’s a mild test for the WWE. Take a brief look across social media outlets and there’s little to no buzz for Sunday. AEW got a 2 nd hour for Rampage and they appear to be what to keep eyes on at the moment. There’s not much WWE can do about this but they do have to establish that they remain in business for a good reason besides periodic budget cuts. For the immediate and near future WWE has to change its reputation. It’s got to put on a good show no matter what. If they want to remain relevant, failure is no longer an option.   That being said, we have Extreme Rules and there are a few places it could go really wrong. I will touch on the big ones that I feel could crash and burn epically but I won’t go over everything. In those cases, I’ll just sit back and watch.   This post is...

It's a Rare Occasion. SmackDown Must Follow RAW...

Happy Friday, Enthusiasts!   Hope it’s going well for you. So, there are few things to chat about tonight. Let’s get into what stood out for me.   Let’s first start off with Bryan Danielson’s debut AEW match against Kenny Omega this week. Given the nature of it, I had to sit down and have a look. It was a good match, no surprise there but I didn’t care for the “Draw” finish. I know it makes perfect sense since this is but the beginning yet, it can also be viewed as formulaic. Though there was interference at the end, we won’t see who wins just yet. I don’t mind a build but to be honest, it’s a match I don’t need to see again. It was kinda hard to watch Danielson lit up like that. His chest was all marked up. I’m glad he’s having fun but I don’t want to see him hurt. At the same time, we can’t fill the ring full of pillows. Oh, what to do? Well, it’s best to let him have his fun. We can say we told him so when he gets a really bad “owie”.   Also regarding AEW, ...

RAW Sets the Scene for Extreme Rules....

  A Good Monday to You, Enthusiasts.   I hope it’s going well. There’s not much circulating today in terms of gossip so, this will be a short post.   What did catch my eye was the news that MVP had knee surgery recently. That explains the “broken rib” he supposedly suffered on RAW. Let’s wish him a speedy recovery. He’s been solid as Bobby Lashley’s managerial counsel. He was cracking me up last week looking like he was going to go upside Riddle’s head with his cane. He’s a natural. Already looking forward to his return.   On a side note, I’m kinda curious about how Riddle will fair going forward. With all this talk after the recent Dark Side of the Ring episode, I wouldn’t be surprised if his past gets kicked back up again. I know the matter is settled but I don’t have enough to forgive him. It doesn’t seem like he’s repentant to me. That’s key in such a matter because you like to see that the offender is willing to make a positive change. I can underst...

On the Other Hand, SmackDown Finds New Ways to Continue to Earn Its Keep...

There’s a big difference 😉 How’s It Going, Enthusiasts?   Well, I didn’t quite expect this week to take the turn it did but it gives us something to talk about. So, let’s get to it, shall we?   Dark Side of the Ring dropped a new episode and word has been trending through the social media channels. I took a look myself and for me, what stands out is what a difference 20 years makes. I can see both sides of the story. Nowadays, what was told is abhorrent. How could anyone treat someone that way? But back then, it was an unfortunate truth. Many would say, par for the course. I don’t condone such behavior. I’ve had my fair share of unwanted advances so I can sympathize but I came up at the tail end of the, “it’s a fact of life” era. I was taught that I was to comport myself in a way that would limit or dissuade advances but we all know that doesn’t stop everyone. Recently, this aspect of life has become unacceptable and deplorable and I have to say, I don’t hate that. ...

RAW Continues to Attempt to Earn Its Keep...

  A Good Monday to You, Enthusiasts!   How is it treating you? Well, I hope. So, there’s not that much circulating around the wrestling world but there’s enough for a brief chat. Let’s get to it, shall we?   First order of business is Olympic Gold Medalist, Gable Stevenson has been signed to WWE. Already there are comparisons to Kurt Angle but he is making it very clear that he will be “Gable Stevenson”. I don’t know much about the guy so we’ll see what he’s got firsthand. Word is that he may skip NXT but we’ll see if that happens. We all know that real, Greco-Roman wrestling is nothing like the professional kind but he should be able to really lock someone up so, that is exciting. We’ll see if he’ll blend reality with show-wrestling.   Then we have word of Samoa Joe vacating the NXT Title due to injury. They haven’t been too forthcoming with what the injury is but it’s significant enough to need to put the title on someone who’s clear to play. Maybe this...

SmackDown's Job? Saving Face for WWE...

How Are You Doing, Enthusiasts?   Doing good? I guess it could be a sensitive time given the 9/11 Anniversary. This time of year is kinda lost on me because I was abroad at the time of the attacks. I saw it on TV but I was not directly affected by it. I didn’t witness the citywide lockdowns n’such. But the gravity of the moment in history is not completely lost on me.   Yet, let’s keep a light mood huh. Got wrestling to talk about and watch. So, let’s get in to what’s going around the grapevine. Remember how I said on Monday that Bryan Danielson’s a.k.a. Daniel Bryan’s debut would have repercussions? Well, one of them is Mick Foley, of all people, catching WWE insider heat. I said on the Twitters that he was preaching to the choir because he’s right, for the most part. I wouldn’t trust the WWE with my wrestling career either. But what wrestlers have to remember is that their bad track record allows them the ability to negotiate. If they want to worry less about their d...

RAW Attempts to Keep Pace...

  Happy Labor Day, Enthusiasts!   How many of you caught AEW’s All Out last night? I watched the recommended matches and caught a look at Bryan Danielson’s debut. I wouldn’t say that WWE has anything to worry about but this sea change will have repercussions. Let’s just hope that they’re for the best all around. Let’s chat about it, shall we?   All Out was a solid PPV from what I could see but not exactly anything WWE should be too concerned with talent wise. What’s left of the WWE roster is arguably the best in Sports Entertainment and from what I can gather, most WWE fans could really care less about AEW. As I’ve said, WWE Fans are not pro-wrestling fans. Now, that doesn’t mean they can’t be both or that pro-wrestling fans don’t like WWE but it’s clear there is a distinction and at the moment, it’s best to take note of that when talking about it. It’s becoming an “apples to oranges” sort of thing and making comparisons may soon not be relevant. Yet, that doesn’t...

SmackDown Offers to Make Things Interesting...

Happy 3-Day Weekend, Enthusiasts!   I hope you enjoy it. Well, there’s definitely news in the wrestling world but it’s not the happiest. Let’s go ahead and have the conversation. That’s a key part of being social, right? Speaking of and having thoughts on the times?   Well, the first bit of news that has shaken up this small section of the world is the unfortunate passing of Daffney Unger. I did not know who she was but news spread fast on Twitter that she was spiraling. Even Mick Foley was like, “Can someone check on her?...” You know that’s bad. It’s even worse that it came to the ultimate conclusion. It’s quite sad. Even sadder because it’s hard to know what to do in a situation where someone is suicidal. It’s the whole, Free Will thing. If a person chooses to peace out, they’ll peace out. It’s the “whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right….” It’s not so much can they be saved, it’s more a matter of do they want to be. Given this conclusion, she didn’t want ...