RAW Attempts to Keep Pace...

 Happy Labor Day, Enthusiasts!


How many of you caught AEW’s All Out last night? I watched the recommended matches and caught a look at Bryan Danielson’s debut. I wouldn’t say that WWE has anything to worry about but this sea change will have repercussions. Let’s just hope that they’re for the best all around. Let’s chat about it, shall we?


All Out was a solid PPV from what I could see but not exactly anything WWE should be too concerned with talent wise. What’s left of the WWE roster is arguably the best in Sports Entertainment and from what I can gather, most WWE fans could really care less about AEW. As I’ve said, WWE Fans are not pro-wrestling fans. Now, that doesn’t mean they can’t be both or that pro-wrestling fans don’t like WWE but it’s clear there is a distinction and at the moment, it’s best to take note of that when talking about it. It’s becoming an “apples to oranges” sort of thing and making comparisons may soon not be relevant. Yet, that doesn’t mean we’ll see less shuffling between the 2 companies. What’s happening is that a person in pro-wrestling may have to make the decision of either remaining a pro-wrestler or changing professions in a way and becoming a Sports Entertainer.


When it comes to that, it all depends on a person’s motivation. If a person loves the game, then stay a pro-wrestler. AEW looks like it will be a great place for that. Yet, if one has dreams of fame and fortune, Sports Entertainment may be the best way to go, especially if one is more athletic than professionally trained in wrestling. So, at this point, if anyone finds their way back to WWE, it’s either for the money or for an attempt at the Big Time. What WWE has to now do, is make that seem less like it requires one’s soul to fully achieve.


What I’m seeing with the rise of AEW is the subsequent internal review that appears to be going on in WWE. This shift forces them to look at themselves whether they like it or not. Bryan Danielson could have stayed at WWE if he wanted. He had management’s blessing, fans loved him, he could really do no wrong but he lost that taste for the game. AEW allows wrestlers to indulge in their love of it which is something that WWE really has no concern with. Yet, as we can see, they have to figure out some way to give their employees incentive because the content is what’s making people consider jumping ship. This is what I’m really getting at. WWE is facing the consequence of their shoddy management. You don’t need me to spell it out. The product has been in steady decline for at least 10 years. Now, they’re facing the reality of it. All the “rejects” have banded together and are making a new space for those who aren’t the easiest to slap on a T-shirt and ship out. The result is promising as AEW may become a legitimate place for those who will never become a WWE Superstar. In this day and age, the question of what’s so good about being a WWE Superstar now has to be answered.


WWE has no one to blame but themselves. They got a little too cocky. They were definitely too full of themselves and this sea change is the humble pie they’ve set themselves up to eat. Danielson states the fans are one of the reasons he decided to head to AEW and again, WWE has no one else to blame in that regard. WWE has shit fans because it can be shitty. You get what you give and this is all that’s really in effect. WWE could have prevented all of this but they didn’t think they had to. Never thought they’d have real competition and they still don’t really but if they don’t admit their hand in all this, they’ll continue to paint themselves as deluded and out of touch. They become the senile grandparent of the industry and not the trailblazer or the standard. WWE has to think long and hard about how they proceed. If they don’t accept some unflattering truths, they’ll take themselves out the game completely.


Going back to AEW acquisitions, I saw that Adam Cole sauntered over too and that move seems like the best for him to be honest. He’s kinda trailblazing because he skipped the WWE main roster and went straight to AEW. Yet, that just makes sense because I know he’d have a tough time in WWE. Like I keep saying, the WWE Universe is like High School/Secondary School and it has all the bullshit that comes with it, amplified. Cole doesn’t scare anyone so why the fuck would WWE fans care? It’s a valid question that neither party could really answer. AEW makes complete sense. On Twitter people can’t believe WWE let him or Danielson go but it does make sense. WWE doesn’t have much to offer these guys at present and they have every right to seek out what’s best for them. We should be glad that WWE has at least learned to be gracious.  Those that have been in this world any amount of time know they were far cattier in the past.


As for the matches of note from All Out, I have to say that CM Punk and Darby Allin was the best in my opinion. A lot of people were talking about the Lucha Bros. and The Young Bucks but I found the match a bit too choreographed for my liking but I’m glad that people enjoyed it. I watched Christian Cage and Kenny Omega too and it cracks me up at how Omega is basically the movie villain version of himself. I can see the cheesy wrestling movie where he’s the big star that the up and comer has no chance of wrestling against, much less beating. The match was all right. I love Christian, he knows how to have a faux fight but he is getting old. He’s not dead yet but it was getting a little, tough to watch. I’m glad he loves the game but I don’t want him killing himself.


Nevertheless, I have to say Bryan Danielson looked great when he came out and I like the mild rebranding. Remixing entrance music is something I’m always down for in the WWE but they seem to want to stick to nostalgia but the fans aren’t fully cognizant and only getting younger. A lot of the entrance music is painfully out of date. This is the sort of thing I’m also kind of circling. This is what makes them look like the senile grandparent and not the pinnacle of the industry they’d like to boast. They can’t be afraid of modernization and usually they aren’t so, don’t be surprised if a lot more gets revamped in the coming months.


All right, that brings us to tonight’s RAW. Tonight may more than ever provide the true difference between AEW and WWE. It’s up to WWE to make this distinction a respectable one. They have a lot of work to do right now. They probably don’t like it because whether it’s true or not, they’re currently in 2nd place. When that sort of sentiment is in the air, it’s best to not overcompensate. WWE has to show it’s not sweating but at the same time is aware of and addressing the longstanding issues.  Like I said, it’s clear that they’re restructuring and the more it appears that WWE is toiling away at its own thing the better. The only thing is that there better be an improved product at the end of it. I’ve said that the next couple of years will be very telling. We’ll see whether AEW is the new top dog in town or if they will remain the rebellious child of WWE.


To begin, we will have Charlotte Flair and Nia Jax staking some time in No Man’s Land. They’ll box for the Women’s Title and the draw will be how “real” it gets. Let’s hope they have fun. Drew McIntyre will face Sheamus for a chance at the US Title. And we’ll have some Tag Team Turmoil to see who gets to face RKBro. I’d say AEW is putting WWE to shame but I can’t honestly. I know there are plenty who would but I just can’t give it to them yet. I’m not withholding. It just still looks like a bunch of wrestlers putting on a show but I’m glad they’re having fun. WWE has to show it knows how to entertain if it wants to continue to strut. We’ll see if it manages to do that. Funny tweets and Likes get retweeted. Try to be objective going forward. Truths are coming out. It would be a shame to overlook them.


See You in a Bit,

-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
