Now, We Will See Which Team Really Is Supreme!...

A Good Sunday to You, Enthusiasts!

So, Survivor Series is here and given all the shuffling, I’m not even going to bother trying to break it down and give it my 2¢.  What I will say is that I’m thoroughly intrigued and curious as to how this year’s installment will play out.

I’m sure what hangs in the balance most is this match between Brock Lesnar and Daniel Bryan.  With Bryan going heel it will be interesting to see how that measures up against Lesnar’s pseudo-heat.  Personally, I can easily see the decision for Bryan to turn heel being made as a counter to facing Lesnar.  I can understand it being very hard to believe Bryan winning the match clean.  Yet, if he’s gone to the Dark Side, he’d be more likely to use rule-bending tactics and otherwise be ruthless in order to secure a win.  The caveat is how will We the Audience respond to an unsportsmanlike Bryan?  It’s hard to say.  The match is now a matter of choosing the lesser of 2 evils and I would still say that’s Bryan but if he’s playing bad, how do you root for him?  And on the other hand, the WWE could continue to play with the plot and simply have him squashed flat out.  I think that would be an interesting outcome if Lesnar is fine with being the Real Heel.  That would prompt Bryan to reconsider his recent actions and perhaps return to Face-Hood having learned his lesson.  We’ll see how it all plays out.  You never know too…Samoa Joe may run out and ruin everybody plans 😉.  Let’s see if they make this one nearly as interesting as it could be.  Funny tweets get retweeted and as for Likes/Favorites, let’s see if they give us something good to work with first.

See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
