Let's See How This Showdown Takes...

A Good Thursday to You, Enthusiasts.

So, the Super Showdown III should be underway by now and I can’t say that I’m all that excited.  You know, being a work day and all, I can’t really indulge until later but that doesn’t mean that I’m not curious about some matches.  I won’t bother with speculation, it’s too much of an exhibition but here’s my 2¢ on some of the more interesting match ups.

First of all, I find it interesting that Goldberg has got the fire back in his eyes.  Word is that this year’s Royal Rumble lit him up and now he’s raring to go.  So, my question becomes why set him up with The Fiend?  Now, there may be the school of thought that this may help sell The Fiend, mainly because Goldberg isn’t buying him.  This could create an interesting dynamic because those like me, who don’t really get this Fiend gimmick, will probably side with Goldberg by default which makes for a good sense of competition against the fans who are all about The Fiend.  That means all they have to do is pull off a good match, not impossible but not exactly likely.  Goldberg being about 110 years old makes us not want a long match but at the same time, I don’t think we want a squash either.  We’ll see what they do with it.

The Ladies match for the SmackDown title between Bayley and Naomi may be interesting more for the trailblazing nature of it.  Natalya and Lacey Evans opened up the concept to the Saudi audience last year and hopefully these 2 ladies can perform a respectable match to aid in adding ladies matches to these Showdowns.  I respect the Saudi culture but this, to me, is more a matter of Modern Times.  Women wrestle if they please.  This shouldn’t be viewed as appalling in this day and age.   I’m all for eliminating this sort of stigma.

A match that may be more telling than it appears is the Steel Cage Match between Baron Corbin and Roman Reigns.  I’ve I said in previous posts, this match could be defining for these gentlemen.  They essentially have to drum up interest for a match no one really wants to see, I’m not sure even out of curiosity.  This isn’t particularly these guys’ fault.  Just look to the Lana and Bobby Lashley saga we were made to endure.  The WWE does this from time to time.  It kinda sticks it to you with stuff you’d rather not see just for the collective bristling it riles up within the WWE Universe.  These guys have to spin this into gold somehow and that may very well be the test.  We’ll see if they get close.

I have to say it’s nice to see that Humberto “The Kid” Carrillo and Angel Garza made it onto the card on merit it seems.  They’ve been solid on RAW of late and may represent some glimmers of hope on the horizon for the future of WWE.  Thought these guys would get the Kick-off Show duty but it looks like that went to The O.C. and Viking Raiders so, good on them to get some real time to play.

Yet, we all have to consider the Universal Title match between Brock Lesnar and Ricochet.  Oy, I don’t know how Ricochet can believably win.  There would have to be some sort of clause or catch I would think.  I wouldn’t be surprised if this ends in some sort of DQ if they do give it to Ricochet.  He may win the match but I don’t know if he gets the title.  I’m just not sold on his acrobatics being sound enough to destroy someone twice his size.  I get the feeling all a guy would have to do is get his hands on him and it’s over.  We’ll see how they pull it off.  I’ll be on the Twitters later tonight, probably during the 7 o’clock hour.  That’s when I’ll have some time to take a look at this.  Feel free to join me if you find yourself in the same boat.  I’ll still retweet if you come up with a funny gem and genius gems get Liked and retweeted but you see how often those happen.  Don’t hurt yourselves.

See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
