GIVING IT TO YOU RAW…What Happened Last Night (Feb. 9th, 2015)

Well, Enthusiasts I’m not one to toot my own horn but please allow me a brief “rooty-toot-toot” seeing how my views for how the WWE should proceed with Roman Reigns is more or less coming to fruition.  I said to write in the question of his wrestling ability 5 months ago and after ambling down a long and winding road, we’ve come to the obvious plot device.  Hey, working with a format such as this, you kinda have to work with what you got regardless of any "plans" anyone may have.  Making the real struggle a part of the story makes things easier for everybody. As for this week’s episode of RAW in total, it was fun.  I had a good time.  Were my socks blown off?  No.  Am I any more interested in Fast Lane?  Meh, not so much but I may come around and take a gander just ‘cause it’s free but, I think it’s pretty clear that Creative has its hands full trying to figure out how to tie all this together into something We the Audience care to watch all the way through.  I don’t think it’s as hard as they make it seem but, I won’t trivialize the process.  As the mysterious They say, many things are easier said than done.

This week we have RAW in Columbus, Ohio and the crowd is a bit difficult, I would say. Roman Reigns starts off the night and the response is mixed at best. Once in the ring, this is what he has to say. He’s fought hard to get himself to where he is. He had to plow through a lot of people to get this chance at WrestleMania and no one is gonna take it from him. So, if anyone has any plans on getting in his way they can expect to be removed, even if it’s the likes of Daniel Bryan. Naturally, this prompts Daniel Bryan to make an appearance and though he is definitely better received, the crowd comes off a little fickle and dies down considerably before he gets to the ring. Bryan is a little cheeky with his response. When it comes to looks, let’s just call it a draw but when it comes to wrestling, well…there’s really no comparison in terms of who's better because that would be Bryan, obviously. At this point, The Authority make their appearance with cronies in tow. Triple H is apparently more concerned with Sting and wants a piece of him at Fast Lane. Stephanie McMahon then takes it upon herself to address our Faces in the ring. Reigns, you’re going around spearing Big Show for no reason. What’s that all about? And Bryan, you’re pushing Kane (calling him Dad here would be too confusing because of Vince McMahon) into caskets. No, this won’t do. We can’t have the patients running the asylum. So, to get guys to learn your place, why don’t you guys take on the previously afflicted in Big Show and Kane in a tag team match, hmm? Sounds good to me.

I didn’t have a problem with the opener, really.  It’s a suitable way to get the night started.  Yet, as We the Audience get over the Royal Rumble and get on with our lives, it doesn’t mean the memory of it doesn't remain.  As a jilted lover would be, We the Audience are a little standoffish, or at least the Columbus crowd is and that does affect how we as viewers respond.   Sometimes, the crowd is just pissy and that can usually be discerned but I get the feeling Columbus will not be taking the WWE back so readily as perhaps Colorado Springs did last Smackdown.  They're apparently more forgiving. Personally, ever since I started this blog, I’ve been disappointed with what the WWE has been presenting.  Quite frankly, I think they’re better than what they’ve been doing and I’m a sure a lot of the roster feels the same way but, it’s hard to fight The Machine.  Creative/Vince McMahon feels they know what’s best and in some regards, they may be right but when it comes to keeping things interesting, they’ve been flagging for some time.   You know how I feel, Enthusiasts.  In times such as these, it’s typically best to get back to basics.  They need to focus on building some gnarly feuds and booking solid matches. That’s it really.  If I had the clout, I’d just start doing that and let the pieces fall where they may but, you know…I’m more concerned with being entertained as opposed to meeting a bottom line.

Anyway, Dad and Big Show get their big selves into the ring to go up against the tenuous partnership that is Reigns and Bryan.  This exchange is very bullyish.  I’m surprised that Erick Rowan didn’t come out and even more surprised at the Big Show’s anti-bullying promo aired later in the show because he and Dad are just mean to Bryan.  They just use the size difference completely against him.  Even when Bryan goes to dive off the ropes, he just ends up getting caught by the 2 large gentlemen and tossed back into the ropes and left to crash to the floor.  Reigns was actually kinda funny to me.  With these Heel turn hints, he was doing a good job at making it seem like it was Bryan’s fault for being in the mess he’s in.  He should tag him in.  But no, he wants to take on the big, mean men.  Bryan does manage to get a lock in on Dad but Big Show, never really playing fair, pulls Bryan off and tosses him into the Timekeeper Booth, causing the disqualification and prompting the subsequent brawl.  Big Show turns his attention to Reigns by beating him with a chair but Reigns manages to land a Superman Punch and uses the chair he was being assaulted with on Big Show and soon ejects him from the ring by upending him over the ropes.  Dad then tries to take Reigns out and in Bryan’s attempt to save the day, he ends up kicking Reigns instead.  The partnership already strained, a mistake of this magnitude quickly gets blown out of proportion and our would-be heroes are suddenly squabbling in the ring.  The Heels make their exit, the job of rattling their resolve complete.  Triple H takes this as an opportunity to put gas on the fire.  Since you 2 get along so well, why don’t we do this again at the end of the night.  You 2 against whomever we got.  Let’s see if you make it that long.

To continue The Authority’s onslaught, next match has Seth Rollins up against Ryback. Unfortunately, though there was no mention of it on television, the social medias was rife with word and proof of Rollins’ official Twitter account being hacked and some nude photos being leaked.  Rumor is that his former fiancée is taking the break-up pretty badly and posting not only what’s on his account but naked pics she has of him as well.  Haven’t seen too many of those but this is why I keep my shit on lock.  Who needs this kind of press?  In any case, as for the match, Ryback got in some solid power moves, just planting Rollins into the mat.  Yet, with J&J Security always there to back him up, they mount an offensive that enables Rollins to execute his CurbStomp and take the unofficial win.  As per usual, their interference prompts a DQ.

Up next, we have some Divas action with Paige taking on Brie Bella with Nikki on the sidelines.  The only problem I had with this match is that I could tell the girls were pulling their punches.  Now, I know there is constant sleight of hand of sorts in play but what makes for a good match is selling the fight.  If we can see the softening of the blows and the exaggerated movement, what’s the point?  Then me and some chick could make a living at pretending to go at it.  Go all out or don’t bother.  Nevertheless, Paige manages to get the win after landing her RamPaige.

To follow, Rusev and Lana present themselves to give “tribute” to John Cena’s long and tenured career.  But what this basically allows for is Rusev to question this rivalry again.  Though Cena’s legacy is clear, he is getting old and the WWE needs new, more powerful blood to keep it going.  His fighting spirit fades and so it is time for a new champion, a new champion like Rusev.  Well, Cena’s hearing aid isn’t turned off.  He comes out, sporting a bit of a shiner and addresses Rusev.  I may be old but this old coot still has enough left to kick your ass.  Strut around all you want.  Say all you want.  It’s gonna come down to what you do and after I Adjust your Attitude a few times, you won’t be doing much without needing some help, feel me.  Get Lana a baby monitor, ‘cause you’re gonna need her when you have to go poopies.  Rusev bristles and after a few more words, neither one of them wants to wait and they have at on the ramp.  Cena takes it to him but Rusev goes for the underhanded move and scratches Cena’s bum eye and plows him into the LED display that lights the Entry Way to the ramp, leaving him for dead.

After that, we have another awesome clash between Dolph Ziggler and Bray Wyatt.  The Divas need to watch their matches because talk about pulling no punches.  These guys just go for it.   During the meat of the match, Ziggler lands a solid Superkick to Wyatt, causing a nosebleed.  The tone definitely changes after that moment and Wyatt amps up the ferocity.  He locks Ziggler up and lands blow without mercy.  After clocking him outside of the ring, Wyatt drags Ziggler's lifeless body back in, Spiderwalks and then hoists him up to put him back down with Sister Abigail.   Still feeling devious, Wyatt goes to remove the padding that lines the floor around the ring to do more damage but the referees refuse to have it.  No matter, he will have his chance again.  Not sure how long these guys are gonna go at it but, I’m in no hurry to see them move on.  They work well together and put on riveting matches.  Not a bad direction to go in.

We have a couple of surprises on this night.  Brock “Gun Jack” Lesnar is in the house, which means Paul Heyman isn’t too far behind.  They’re here to let everyone know that WrestleMania is basically an open and shut case.  Bryan’s got heart and is certainly the closest thing we have to The Little Engine That Could.  Reigns is formidable and may hail from the veritable Dothraki hoard of wrestling but, when it comes down to it, no one can match the Beast Incarnate that is Brock Lesnar.  So, have your Fast Lane.  Draw your straws.  In the end, only one person will stand tall and that person already has the belt.

From that, we take a bit of a dip with The New Day having at the Brothers Dust who continue to fall apart at the seams.  Again, this match is more set-up for the drama brewing betwixt the brothers.  Not even halfway through Goldust, not hearing Stardust’s pleas to be known only as “Stardust”, calls out to “Cody” and Stardust responds by leaving the match.  Goldust continues to call out to his brother but Stardust slips backstage and while distracted, Kofi Kingston rolls Goldust up to get the win.  Backstage, the brothers continue to fight.  Goldust talks to Stardust as “Dustin” his brother but to Stardust, all that no longer matters.  Cody no longer exists.

Moving along, Triple H still has his axe to grind with Sting.  He calls Sting out.  We need to settle this once and for all.  Show yourself!  Well, Creative certainly gets points for presentation with this segment.  Though the real Sting wasn’t in attendance, the audio/visuals set a nice and spooky tone.  With imagery practically directly borrowed from The Crow and possibly the remake of The Ring coupled with haunting sounds, Sting eerily accepts Triple H’s challenge.

Back to the wrestling action, The Usos accompanied by Naomi come out to go up against Tyson Kidd and Cesaro, accompanied by Natalya.  The match was high-spirited but nothing we haven’t seen before though, Tyson Kidd and Cesaro have been delightful to watch in action despite their Heel leanings.  Cesaro turns the twins inadvertently against each other in a distraction and knocks Jey off the ropes to get the win.

We then have some filler in the form of Damien Mizdow taking on Sin Cara.  This again is to further the drama that continues to simmer between Mizdow and The Miz.  “Demoted” to Personal Assistant, Mizdow must endure The Miz turning up the pissiness and basically just refusing to be pleased.  Nevertheless, Mizdow gets to work.  He does remember how to wrestle and manages to work up a decent offense against our agile Luchador.  Yet, the prima donna that is The Miz needs to be hydrated and he interrupts so that Mizdow can tend to him with a bottle of water.  Distracted, Sin Cara jumps on the opportunity literally and dives off the top rope to take Mizdow out for the win.  There’s a lot of talk about Mizdow’s crowd appeal and though I don’t mind it, I don’t really care too much for this Miz and Mizdow pairing.  I’m all for their split.  Mizdow can handle being on his own and it would give us more Singles options on the roster. So, I’ll shed no tears when they finally go at it.

A quick look to the playbill shows that Curtis Axel just won’t keep his mouth shut.  He should be contending for WrestleMania, damnit!  I never had a chance!  I NEVER HAD A CHANCE!   Well, Ambrose has a few things to say about that.  Axel does come from a wrestling family, his father being Mr. Perfect and all so, he shows what he’s learned once Ambrose gets in the ring.  He’s heavy-handed with him.  Axel definitely feels he has something to prove.  Yet, once Ambrose gets his bearings he proceeds to do his unofficial public service and finishes Axel with Dirty Deeds one more time.  He then calls out Bad News Barrett.  Barrett!  You yellow-bellied SOB, you know what I want!  The moment I see you, that Intercontinental Title is mine!  You hear me!  Well, Barrett is still holed up in his BNZ where we can get Bad News by the second and this just in, Dean Ambrose will be waiting a very long time for title shot.  Sorry…

We then come to our main event, Reigns and Bryan vs The Authority.  It starts out like you’d think.  Our Faces in the ring and The Authority swarm and surround.  There’s no way out so, the Faces dive in and it’s bedlam.  The Authority is merciless.  Dad’s handing out Chokeslams like he’s going out of business.  Big Show lumbers himself around issuing out KO-Punches. Rollins does his fair share of mocking our heroes and continues to man-handle Daniel Bryan, which I’m not reading as menacingly as intended.  I don’t know if it’s because they’re similar in statures but when Rollins executes the German Suplex, it seems more playful than devastating.  I find it cute, actually.  Not sure that’s the vibe they’re going for.  Anyway, Noble and Mercury simply do whatever else the big men haven’t.  Eventually, everyone spills out the ring and Big Show and Dad prepare the Announce Table for Face Annihilation but just then, the cavalry comes charging in the form of Ryback, Erick Rowan and Dolph Ziggler.  They keep Dad and Big Show occupied so that Bryan can line up for the Flying Knee to Mercury who’s reeling but Reigns decides to finish this one off and tags himself in to take Mercury out with the Spear.  The Faces win but not without dissension.  Bryan confronts Reigns after the match.  What the fuck, man! / What do you mean what the fuck?...and before you know it, Reigns issues a Spear up to Bryan.  You heard what he said earlier, didn’t you?  Apparently, Reigns is a man of his word and this divides the crowd.   Who will you root for?  Well, at this point…I don’t know to be honest.  I do feel that at this point and time, Bryan is the better wrestler but Reigns has potential and there is no doubt that his size makes him a more believable opponent for Lesnar but, would it make a great match?  Hmm…hard to say right now.   Yet, that may not even matter because more likely than not, Rollins cashes in on the winner at WrestleMania so regardless of who wins, it’ll hang in the “balance” so to speak.  So many ways it could go.  So, I’ll just end with this.  However it ends up, it just better be a good ride (^_~)

See You Thursday, Enthusiasts.

-Nicole Alexis.
