GIVING IT TO YOU RAW…What Happened Last Night (Nov. 3rd, 2014)

So, we’re now setting our sights on Survivor Series and the goal for the roster appears to be choosing a side.  I’m sure my perspective has effectively relayed that I am not a big follower of the lesser known PPVs, but Survivor Series may be able to get some added press since, for the time being, we can all stream the WWE Network for free for the month of November.  Did Christmas come early?  I’m pretty sure it’s just another angle to get us all to subscribe but in all honesty, I’m not there yet.  I could be, certainly, if only for the occasional PPV but for everyday use, not so sure it’s that much of a priority.  I’m not knocking the Network just putting it in general perspective.  My need for a wrestling fix is not so great that I need more than RAW and Smackdown yet, I can easily take on PPVs.  Could I be contemplating a seemingly economical expenditure…perhaps, perhaps…

In any case, this week’s RAW took place in Buffalo, New York and we had the surprise of being graced with the illustrious presence of Vince McMahon himself.  To be honest, it was nice to see him.  The last few times I saw him, he didn’t look too good but last night was different.  He seemed rested and healthy and I was a little surprised at how seeing him brought a smile to my face as opposed to a roll of the eyes it once did.  If Korporate Kane is “Dad” then I suppose that would make Vince McMahon “GrandDad” in my world now.  We can’t disavow that we wouldn’t be gathered ‘round twice a week if it wasn’t for that man.

Anyway, rumors seem to be that there was a last minute change.  It could have been John Cena’s absence, seeing how the WWE has yet to confirm the reason.  Suspicious perhaps, but not sure if the investigation should go into full effect just yet.  The WWE was kind enough to offer refunds for the first 20 minutes to any who came expecting to see Cena but I get the feeling that most weren’t too upset.  He’s only got half the crowd anyway, right.  Nevertheless, GrandDad came out and took to the mic quite naturally, as one would expect, and goes on to hype up the Network, the free deal for November and of course Survivor Series by adding a slight stipulation.   Should The Authority lose, they lose their authority.   Uh-oh, then what? Extended vacations? The patients run the asylum?  Who knows.  Actually, the whole franchise could use a reboot.  I’ve got a wishful inclination that they may start leaning in a direction I originally suggested in my first, full-on post but, only time will tell.  It would work, though.   All Kung Fu and Anime can’t be wrong.

The first match of the night is a rematch of SmackDown’s main event with Dean Ambrose and Cesaro going for round 2. Well, there’s not much story in this head-to-head but, there doesn’t really need to be.  I’m fully in favor of a free form approach. The beauty of the WWE is its hybrid nature.  The wrestlers aren’t actors but they have to be able to tell a good story.  They more or less don an alter-ego and come out and thrash around.  For some, we need some beef to get us interested in the match for others, the personalities alone can make for a great time, for others still, it’s the acrobatics or the overall show that they present.   We don’t need a story for every fight.  We did come to watch wrestling, wrestle!  And wrassle they did.  To add some intrigue though, Bray Wyatt decided to bring out his rocking chair and sit a spell while their match came to a close.  Ambrose gets the win in Dirty Deeds type fashion but the play up of the impending showdown between Ambrose and Wyatt left one wanting.  Perhaps this will be a slow build, for now, Bray appears to just be watching….

To each their own.  To follow, my buddies The Usos saddle up for another ride with The Miz and Damien “Mizdow”.  In actuality, this was a singles showdown between Jimmy Uso and The Miz but these sets always travel in pairs.  I don’t mind comedic relief and this pairing is hard to take seriously though the attempt is to establish a little feud.  I guess my issue is that maybe Creative should pick an angle.  Right now, they’re kinda playing the middle with these teams.  The Usos are always fun and do their jobs well and The Miz and Mizdow are developing  into Butters-like heels in the way that they’re so corny you almost like them yet, when it comes to the action, it was kinda run of the mill.  If this is going to be an on-going rivalry, a little more flavor needs to be thrown into the mix.  They can keep it funny, I hope they do, but maybe do some silly promos outside the ring.  Some pranking you know, hijinks rapscallions such as these would easily fall into.  We already like them all you need to do is maintain it.  Let them help with the ideas too.  The Usos are hilarious and Damien Mizdow has his moments.  The Miz…well he’s The Miz and that’s kinda funny in its own right (^_~)

Moving along, we go to Sheamus’ warm-up match against Tyson Kidd.  Our girl Nattie glammed herself up for ring-side.  This was almost comical in its appearance since Kidd looked like Sheamus’ Yankee little cousin or something.  Kidd looked more appropriate for his name than I thought he should.  And I don’t fully understand the pseudo-Heel angle they seem to be pitching him with.  We already have a “little shit” in Seth Rollins.  I don’t even feel right calling him a heel so, I’ll call him a “lift”.  He’s a lift for always hiding behind Natalya and jumping around not doing much of nothing besides making sure his hair doesn’t move.  So, I can understand the disbelief Sheamus displayed with the foreshadowing in his distracted loss due to count-out.  He gets a Brogue Kick into Kidd regardless but, what’s done is done.  And that continues to be the case in his WWE Network only match against Rusev.  Though I foretold the outcome in my last post, word is this was a pretty good match so I suppose we all should take a gander on the Network.  I might. Yet, we all now must cower in the shadow of the mighty awesomeness as Rusev now holds our US Championship Title.

Next up, we have the lead Authority members, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon attempt to solidify their Authority Team with the best it can get.  They kept touting how this would be the strongest Survivor Series showing for them ever but…given the roster, I have a little bit of a tough time fully believing that but I do think they could do all right with what they’ve got.  Whatever the case, these 2 now take a moment to woo Dolph Ziggler to work for The Man.  They bring up how Cena’s missing at this crucial time and how he tends to leave Ziggler hanging.  Would Survivor Series just be more of the same?  Yet, The Authority could offer him all he ever dreamed.  Fame, riches, titles, he names it he’ll get it and The Authority would always be there for him.  Well, I thought Triple H took his sweet time with this pitch and it looks like he just about turns Ziggler to the Dark Side when Ziggler says, “You know what, vive La Resistance!”  and calls for the end of The Authority’s tyranny.  Well, The Authority will show him what happens to the defiant, matches with Seth Rollins that just so happen to put the Intercontinental Title on the line.  And so it was.  It wasn’t a bad match.  Ziggler has owned his scrappiness of late and throws himself into it.  He and Rollins being in the same weight class, more or less, Rollins doesn’t decide to high-tail it out of there but battles it out, fairly for the most part.  You know, until Jaime Noble and Joey Mercury come out and help with the beat down.  Rollins pounces on his opening to do a Curb Stomp and appears nothing but victorious when, what’s this!  Randy Orton busts in and RKO’s him! Leaves him for dead, yet again, and hungry for blood.  The Authority will have their hands full trying to contain this one.

Next in line was a match between Ryback and Titus O’Neil which I didn’t really expect, seeing how they could be a good match-up.  O’Neil appears to be the first true challenge Ryback gets upon his return and O’Neil gets some good hits in but this was another quick match that ends with a Shell Shock and Ryback victorious.  I don’t mind this.  I think it’s fair in a way.  He wasn’t booked properly before and now I feel the WWE is doing him a warranted solid. I’ll expect to see it get more varied after Survivor Series.

Afterwards, the Veteran Big Guy feud steps up next to continue its saga.   Though Big Show and Mark Henry put on a great show in their professional golden years, I still don’t fully buy this beef.  I guess there’s no harm in it but, you know, hard to get into it when you know it’s just what they’re doing right now.  Someone needs to muck up a Title Shot or convince The Authority to book the other poorly, something that seems more likely and has more relevant repercussions.  I don’t mind the personal touch but it almost seems like these 2 should figure it out outside as opposed to in the ring.  It’s coming off like a lot of “none of our business” and that just spoils the wrassling.

Next on the playbill, we have Nikki Bella with her dutiful assistant Brie by her side up against one of my faves, Emma with only her quirky charm to assist.   AJ Lee also graces us on commentary.  Now, I don’t have to tell you this was a match to showcase Nikki and her blossoming heel-icity and it continues to flourish.  Brie is also developing into her conflicted self, as well.  The match gets to the point fairly quickly and after Nikki drops Emma with her finishers, she whispers in Brie’s ear to give AJ something.  Vexed, Brie sighs and adheres to her assistant duties and issues AJ a hearty slap across the face.  Well, AJ being the psycho-bitch she so earnestly became, retorts with a slap/push of her own to Brie and then goes for Nikki, knowing this was her idea and Nikki, bails out.  I guess she doesn’t fight in the same outfit twice.  They’ll be meeting again on the flipside.

Next in the ring, we find a Zack Ryder (so we know he’s gonna lose) and a Rusev (now we really know he’s gonna lose) and Ryder goes down in quick fashion.  Rusev is sticking to the Accolade to finish his bouts and it appears to be effective.   Lana then takes to the mic to inform us that they are under orders from The Kremlin itself to take the US Championship.  Yes, I’m sure this subject is a hot topic during the U.N. meetings.  Nevertheless, Sheamus comes out, title securely around his waist to profess his undying loyalty to defend this title that we all hold so dear.  A lot of good that got him.

After that, we have a match between Los Matadores and The Brothers Dust but, in all honesty, I missed this one.  Must have gone off to the loo or something.  So, according to the results Los Matadores get the win and begin to show that there are other Tag Teams in contention around here.

And then, we come to the big event, Rollins and Orton are gonna wrestle out all this building angst and then shake hands and do their part for The Authority’s team. Well, these guys go for it, or rather, Randy Orton attempts some anger management by tossing Rollins around here, there and everywhere.  Orton tries to get this thing over and done with but for being such a punk, Rollins doesn’t tend to go down quietly and this time around, he even sneaks in a win.  Naturally, Orton about blows a gasket.  He tries to keep it together, Authority teammates approach cautiously trying to get him to just accept it and get over it but naw, Orton ain’t going down like that.  He starts to push and toss Noble and Mercury. Dad tries to get in there to maintain some order.  Even Triple H gets in to talk him down, no use.  Orton’s unhinged.  Well, if you don’t join us, you leave us seems to be the response and the Authority switch to containment mode and wrangle Orton up, beat him down and then Rollins, since he earned it, sends Orton on his way with a Curb Stomp on the Announcers table.  A lot like when he sent Ambrose off that one time.   Well, I wish it was as dramatic as it seems but it looks like Orton’s gonna go do his WWE movie now so, he been peaced out until further notice.   But what about Survivor Series?!  I’m sure they’ll figure something out.

 See You Friday,

-Nicole Alexis.
