Jeebus, Over this Week! But, I'm Always for SMACKDOWN...

What's up enthusiasts!

Hope your week went better than mine.  I foolishly side-swiped a garbage can on the way to work the other day and had to spend $310 to get it replaced (>.<)  Well, I suppose I should just be glad I can cover it but you never want to spend it when you didn't plan on doing it.

Anyway, enough about me.  Let's let our worries drift away for at least 2hrs.  Judging by the spoilers, SmackDown may alleviate my RAW chagrin but as always, we will see.  I'll probably be a little more curt in my tweetings tonight due to my misfortune but just read it as a way to vent.  I'll get over it.  In the meantime, make us laugh with your tweets. The funnier the better, I'm looking to retweet something.  Let loose!

See You Soon, Brethern!
-Nicole Alexis.
