GIVING IT TO YOU RAW…What Happened Last Night (Nov. 17th, 2014)
So, for whatever reason, we’re
upon what’s called the “Go Home” showing of RAW
before Survivor Series. Go Home seeing
how it’s before a pay-per-view but, does the WWE roster ever have a “home field”? I would think it’s case specific and only
pertains to when talent are in their given hometown.
But that's beside the point. I went into this week's RAW hopeful that the momentum created on SmackDown
would seamlessly carry over and unfortunately I was grossly mistaken. I probably shouldn’t have gone in
with such high hopes. Though it wasn’t
a complete disaster, in comparison to SmackDown
it read as mere child’s play. Rumors are
circulating the WWE Universe cyberspace that cuts are going to be made in the
new year and though the speculation primarily surrounds talent, I wouldn’t be
surprised if there was a cleaning of house on RAW’s Creative Team, if they are in fact split into separate
factions. What’s becoming painfully
clear is that they don’t know what they’re doing and either feel they don’t
have to, given the genre of entertainment, or simply don’t know how due to
unfamiliarity with the product. Whatever
the situation, if there’s an overhaul coming…it’s necessary and long overdue.
In any case, we begin the evening
with Triple H leading The Authority charge with plenty to say about the
circumstances that have brought us to now.
He challenges the audience to function in this WWE Universe
without The Authority to guide them.
Yeah, you hate us now but didn’t you hate Vince McMahon when he’d play
the Big Mean Boss each week? But we gave
him praise when he made his recent appearance.
WCW once made a go of self-governance only to implode upon itself due to lack of discipline and direction. That what we supposedly hate most is what keeps the WWE Universe
going. Embrace them and know that to think
they’ll gain anything other than victory is futile. And given the team they’ve amassed in
Dad/Kane, Rusev, Seth Rollins, Mark Henry and Luke Harper among whatever other
heel stragglers they got lying around, Team Cena is looking a little paltry to
say the least.
I had no problem with Triple H
setting the scene but again, here’s an example where I think they’re missing
the mark. H, of all people, knows how to
be a Heel. I trust him with that and he
didn’t disappoint in his delivery but at the same time, again, how the audience
is treated is paramount. Because we’re
the ones who have to be convinced that the product being sold to us is worth
buying, right? To question our mentality
proves his point but at the same time, I think he’d be more effective in making
it if he tried to win us over as opposed to tell us we’re stupid or don’t know
what’s good. If he’s in the ring to
battle, on his own, then he can flip off the crowd all he wants but, if he’s
going to play “Vince McMahon” so to speak, he should be more cunning about
it. Of course I hated The Corporation
back in the day. “Damn the Man! “ is a
war cry anyone can shout in a capitalist nation but that’s not what Triple H is
doing. He’s not the oppressive Man trying to keep everyone down so he can sit
atop his throne. He’s an older wrestler who needs a career and it can easily be argued that he merely fucked his way
to the top so he could take the easy way out.
That’s what we’re looking at and he’s calling us stupid? Well, maybe
those who pay for it are but the majority of the fanbase probably gets this
shit for free. This is why I think RAW Creative doesn’t get it. Though Triple H can talk shit, he shouldn’t
do it to us or at least I think it’s bad for business for him to. I feel the best way for H to continue being a
heel is being slimy in how he tries to garner favor. He can be a dick all he wants to the roster,
I actually think it would be fun and he’s been doing that more or less on SmackDown and sometimes when he loosens
up on RAW but to validate his rule because we wouldn’t
know what to do with freedom is condescending.
Most of us are trying to remember why we watch this crap. If Creative and Triple H are smart, they’d
try to be our friends in more of a bait and switch attempt. We can’t trust him but he wants us to because
that’s good for business. Stephanie
McMahon actually does a good job of that and that may be the role she plays to
his “Bad Cop” but I think he should join in on the duplicitous charm.
Anyway, Team Authority eventually
goes on to court the desirous Ryback by saying how Cena doesn’t even like
him. Remember that beef you had last
year? A clip runs of Cena making fun of
Ryback, which I remembered actually, and I thought that was funny at the time. Some good old-fashioned riffing never hurt
anybody. Nevertheless, Ryback holds firm and sticks to the only side he trusts, his own.
The Authority basically shrugs and says “Have it your way.” But, in the meantime, Luke Harper, go fuck up
Cena’s plans and battle Dolph Ziggler for the Intercontinental Title. And with little ceremony, they start the
match for the Intercontinental Championship.
The match was well done. I think both Luke Harper and Erick Rowan are
strong technicians in the ring and I’m thankful for that. I heard a rumor floating around that the WWE
was thinking of cutting them but that seems stupid to me. They know what they’re doing. They could just be big brutes and throw their
weight around but, they wrassle and wrassle well. It was easy to see that this was a decimation
match and that the dastardly Authority was out to burst each and every bubble
John Cena was hoping to set afloat. Though
Ziggler fought valiantly, he fell to Luke Harper by a hard clothesline. Luke Harper is now the Intercontinental
Champion. To be honest, I have no
problem with this. Put it on paper, it
seems a likely outcome and seeing how Harper is no slouch in the ring, it’s at
least still in the hands of a deserving fellow.
It also allows for future beef with Ziggler and maybe some
jealousy/challenge from Rowan. Here’s a
place where the action is not a complete loss.
We then go into an up-and-comers
match between Adam Rose and Tyson Kidd.
To be expected, The Bunny has our attention and Rose keeps him in his
place for the bulk of the match which Kidd uses to his advantage in getting the
win. It’s hard to say where they’re
going to go with this. It’s fluff enough
that it doesn’t really have to go anywhere so this is a place where just about
anything goes. There’s speculation that
The Bunny is Darren Young but you can tell the skin tones don’t really match so
The Bunny could potentially be anyone, like a Sin Cara I’d think. I don’t think they should write off using The
Bunny as a bit of jack-in-the-box from time to time but as for the Rose shtick,
he either has to go solo or they have to box it out. My vote is that they do both.
Moving right along, we come to Bray
Wyatt as he continues his quest to “save” Dean Ambrose. Well, Dean can implement some hocus-pocus of
his own and uses the technology at his disposal to create a diversion on the
“big screen” so that he can attack Wyatt from behind in the ring. Well, the break in Bray’s rhythm is more than
he can currently bear and he takes himself to the back to regroup and
plan. Here is where all my
disappointment boiled over. The sneak
attack backstage last Friday was so much fun!
And then this is what I get, a lot of talking and some quick
play-fighting? I understand the lead in
to Survivor Series but we don’t even have to pay for that unless we don’t have
internet or streaming capabilities so, why not get down to it a little? It can end in a bullshit kerfuffle of
whatever sort, they don’t have to go full on but I was hoping that this battle
wouldn’t be on the mic. I’m glad they
can get on there and talk all day but I don’t really need nor want them
to. I want them to lead me into an
ass-kicking that’s adequately fueled and fun to watch. Save the intricate "mindgames" for The Joker and Batman. I’ll watch that sort of thing
when I’m in the mood for it. I don't doubt they can deliver, they just have to make sure they don't miss the point.
The match that followed was
actually more entertaining. Ryback and
Cesaro throw down to see who’s the mightiest of them all. Well, to look at it, you’d go with Ryback but
Cesaro is pretty impressive with his lanky frame. Cesaro was very believable with his tactic
of using every power move he had to wear The Big Guy down and the fact that he
was able to pull it off relatively smoothly was commendable. Yet, the bigger
man won this one and once Ryback got Cesaro up for the Shell Shock, that was
all she wrote. I would like to see Cesaro
get some wins since he has been doing the work and deserves something for all
his efforts but I get putting Ryback over.
Both these guys kinda got a raw deal and it’s comforting to see that the
WWE is trying to right this in some way.
I think the truth is just coming out when it comes to WWE as a brand and
franchise. They have to rethink their approach just in order to
survive. This happens, in entertainment
especially. Remaining current and
relevant is something the Industry deals with in general on a daily basis. I think the WWE is beginning to realize that
they have to evolve just to remain in business.
And to do that, they have to get away from trying to create a superstar
and try to develop one. They have plenty
of raw talent on the roster. They have
to quit thinking about what a wrestler should look like and represent and focus more on what they
can do and then champion that in the most profitable way possible. I understand that half of this is a
popularity contest but at the same time, if a wrestler has something to offer
that doesn’t have grand mass appeal, I’m sure a niche can be made or found for
said person. Cesaro is kinda bland as a
personality, that I won’t disavow but, he’s an awesome wrestler. He should challenge for the Intercontinental
Championship again and get it. Hold onto
it for a bit. Start some beef with
whomever, he’s got a lot of mid-card company.
Let proving himself be his shtick.
Maybe in time he can be fully recruited by The Authority and become some
secondary administer of pain as Dad/Kane is but all I’m saying is there’s
plenty to work with. Don’t limit
yourselves by sticking to one path.
Next up we have Heath Slater
serving himself up for the slaughter in the name of America against Rusev. This
match was about as quick as you’d think it’d be. It’s like some little kid challenging his
older cousin from abroad only this fight isn’t for play-play. Well…yeah it is but, my point is what’s Heath
Slater? Is he just a jobber? Bring him
in so someone else can win? Not that I
mind that but, what’s the point of a match like this given the Survivor Series
backdrop? Does it even need to happen? It serves no purpose other than to give Rusev
and Lana time to gloat which isn’t necessary to drive any story. Word on the street is that the plan is to set
Rusev and Roman Reigns up for feuding upon Reigns’ return. The angle would be the US Championship but…is
that really wise?
If you’ve read my blog at all,
you’ll know that it all started because of how the WWE was so poorly executing
Reigns’ push. I say that because they
knew, full well, he wasn’t ready but the feeling is that they need someone at
the top other than Cena, a year ago. With Daniel
Bryan out ‘til whenever, the race is on to find the New Babyface. Well, looking for the next big thing is fine
but as I stated earlier in this post, the focus should be on development not just placing the crown
atop whomever’s head and then saying, “You’re It!” Now, we who follow this stuff
have an inclination that the WWE hasn’t really veered off course from whatever
the plan is actually with the 2 of them but, if they’re gonna do this, it must be done right for it to take. Rusev I don’t think has as much to lose if
this angle falls flat but regardless, the rivalry could be interesting but I
think the less it has to do with patriotism, the better. I can’t be the only one who feels this angle
is a little out of date. Why don’t we
rally the Allied Forces against the Krauts while we’re at it? Neither one of these dudes are even 30 yet and
you’re gonna bring up Cold War shit? We
are not at war with Russia . You can get all
Orwellian with it and say we’re always at war with East or Eur-Asia but,
please. Both of these guys were barely
cognizant of the Cold War along with a good cross-section of the fanbase and
those who are old enough to get the reference are probably feeling like I do
and are going, “Still?” If you wanna go that route, Terrorism is your best bet
but that’ll get more racist allegations than the “Big Bad Russian” will. Rusev is a power-tripping Heel at the moment
and Reigns would be the recovered warrior returning to battle. Best thing to do is have a hankering to take
the wind out of Rusev’s sails. Their
last match wasn’t bad but didn’t have anything fueling it other than let’s see
what happens. Drop the whole “this is
for America ” thing and just have it be about taking Rusev down a peg. Even then, I’m not sure Reigns should
win. Unless he proves he can wear the
proverbial “crown” it should not be bestowed and we’ll be the judge of that.
Yet, if they must make this
mistake, easiest way is to have Jack Swagger win the title first and have
Reigns win it off of him. Rusev and
Reigns can beef just not about ‘Merica. Doubt anyone will really buy that.
Any-way, next on the schedule is
more promo time with the night’s host Grumpy Cat. Here's another reason why I think RAW writers kinda phone it in at
times. I don’t expect them to have
A-Listers. I know what this isn’t but, at
the same time, Grumpy Cat? Really? Even the cat seemed to have that sentiment. I would say it probably would be more fun,
effective and just make more sense to have WWE “used-to-was-es” come on and
fill those spots than random passing fancies that don’t really have anything to
do with anything in the WWE Universe.
What did I say about thinking too much?
Following that, we have the Big
Show come out in hopes of a match and Mrs. Stephanie McMahon saunters out with
a proposition instead. Fortunately, it’s not as
cringe-worthy as the last time she did this but it’s the same sort of
thing. Look, Big Show. You know whose house this is. You do me a solid and dump Cena, you get your
Hall of Fame induction signed, sealed and delivered. Again, kayfabery should be used a bit more
shrewdly. We all know that Big Show will
probably end up there anyway and so, the threat of loss is minimal. She’s better off threatening his job in this
respect. Yet, she’s done that already
so, I would say the temptation of riches would be a better ploy. In that instance, Big Show can look even more
the hero in turning it down, especially with word of cuts going on. Instead of some stagehand having to go look
for work, he’ll remain happy with what he gets and maintain his integrity
too. Regardless, Big Show says no thank
you and Sheamus comes out to say, he’s proud to fight beside Cena, in case
everyone was wondering. Stephanie,
seeing how they’re like 2 peas in a pod, figures the 2 should fight. Let’s see how friendly you are after that. Well the 2 large gentlemen face their duty in
sportsmanlike fashion and have themselves a well-executed match until Rusev and
his new partner in crime, Mark Henry, make their way out to mess everything up. Henry gets his hands on Sheamus and Strongest
Slams him into the announce table and Rusev gets himself atop of Big Show to
administer The Accolade. As you’d think
the match ends in no-contest due to this interference but I suppose we should
be thinking about what’s gonna happen to Team Cena.
Next in line for action are the
Bella Twins and AJ Lee joins in on commentary.
Yet, there’s something different this time around. It looks like Brie Bella decided to become a
part of AJ’s fan club for she is decked out in AJ garb and doing a pretty
decent impression. The Twins are gonna
have themselves an “exhibition” match that I guess is supposed to be a preview
of what’s to happen at Survivor Series in Nikki’s head but AJ in her mischief
distracts Nikki and Brie gets the win for once.
Yet, their mild dig at AJ doesn’t go unnoticed and AJ decides to take
them both out because she can. Them's the breaks.
We then have my buddies in my
head, The Usos and Los Matadores take on Gold/StarDust and The Miz and Damien
“Mizdow”. As far as matches go, it was
pretty much what you’d expect from them.
I hear there’s a Fatal-4-Way slated for Survivor Series for the lot of them
but nothing really gets you jazzed about it.
If you like this sort of stuff, you’re not disappointed but if you’re
pretty neutral you’d just as soon go to restroom or get something to eat. Nothing of real note goes down so we’ll move
This brings us to the closing
spectacle. There wasn’t really a main
event, per se. It was more The Authority
showing that they have a team and Cena, well, not so much. Well, that’s all right! Cena will take ‘em on himself if he has to
because he does what he has to do. He’s
not gonna hide or make excuses. Hell,
he’ll pull some jokers out the crowd if he has to. Have ourselves a PR nightmare of a
match. Well that prompts Stephanie to
show what she thinks of him and his horrible idea and she slaps him across the
face. That’s the line. Cena de-shirts and is ready to box. Well, Team Authority is all about boxing and
they get ready to roll when Dolph Ziggler makes his way out. His beating wasn’t so bad. Then Big Show and Sheamus appear, little smelling
salts and they’re fine. Even Erick Rowan
decides to join Team Cena because everyone else is playing. And Cesaro teases some camaraderie but then
goes “psych!” and sides with Team Authority.
Well, we just about have a ballgame when Ryback decides, “You know, if I
gotta be on a team, I choose Cena's ‘cause you guys are getting on my nerves."
And there you have it. The brawl ensues
and the standard chaos erupts. Who will
be left standing? Well, Triple H has had
enough and enters the fray to issue out some real authority and finds himself
in a staredown with Ryback who seems down to party but what’s this?! Cena says it’s been a while since you’ve had
a taste and in a blatant
display of insubordination, dumps Triple H onto a table. My goodness!
Guess we’ll have to see how they follow this up on SmackDown (^_~)
See You Friday,
-Nicole Alexis.
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