GIVING IT TO YOU RAW…What Happened Last Night (Mar. 30th, 2015)

How’s it going, Enthusiasts? So, the biggest show of the year has come and gone and now we’re back to “real time” in the WWE Universe. As after every Pay-Per-View, we revisit and perhaps reverse what was done the night before on RAW and last night was more or less on par with that. We got some introductions and a lot of the same ol’, same ol’ and though I think the majority of the show went well, there are some residual issues that the WWE has to face whether it likes it or not and circumstance would behoove them to find a solution ASAP as opposed to wait until the bottom falls out. We open the night in San Jose , California and not too surprisingly, Mr. Brock “Gun Jack” Lesnar makes an appearance with Paul Heyman at his side. Can you imagine what this could be about? Yep, it’s that smarmy Seth Rollins and his punk-ass grab at the Heavyweight Title. Lesnar isn’t too happy about it, none too happy at all. He wants that punk-ass bitch ...