You Know I'm Ready to Get RAW...

Anyone else? (^_~) 

Well, Enthusiasts the pot has been stirred again in the WWE Universe and this time it's in regards to Brock Lesnar.  Will he stay or will he go?  Or is all this just hype to get us interested in WrestleMania?  Who can say, Enthusiasts but I'm gonna go ahead and give my WrestleMania 31 prediction.  Watch Vince McMahon pull a fast one and have Seth Rollins cash in right before the main event starts.  He'll invoke some "Authority" clause that stipulates he can choose his opponent and he'll choose Curtis Axel.  Rollins will Ronda Rousey his ass and win the Heavyweight Championship in less than 30-seconds.  Hey, if I were the boss, I'd take the heat, especially if it was all my fault.  We'll all be watching, regardless.  Let's see if the answer is hiding in plain sight.  Funny tweets get retweeted and we'll see if someone can come up with some genius to prompt a "favorite".  

See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis.
