RAW Wants You to Have Fun - It's a Party!....

A Merry Monday to You, Enthusiasts!

So, there’s only 2 real points of interest being advertised for tonight.  First of all, we should be getting an “update” on Roman Reigns’ status and the vibe appears to be that this should be good news.  Now, I made my view clear in this blog by stating that I don’t really buy the leukemia diagnosis but that doesn’t mean I don’t think something’s going on.  To me, this may be the look of Kayfabe in the Modern Age.  Kayfabe in the 21st Century, if you will.  The thing is that the WWE Universe relays to us how it wants to be perceived.  We have to accept that when we enter into this world, what’s real and what's not will always be difficult to discern.   In all honesty, we really don’t need to know what’s going on in the wrestlers’ lives.  We need only know them as performers.  But in these days of Social Media, we can and often will seek out and find the truth.  So, the WWE has the difficult task of maintaining its reality in the face of Reality.   Kayfabe works as an ingenious way of maintaining a wrestler’s privacy and the story/concept that is the WWE Universe.   I’m sure it can be used and is used in lesser or more serious degrees but generally speaking, the concept of Kayfabe allows the WWE Universe to tell us anything they please and we have to, by default, take it at face value.  It could be real, it could be WWE “real”, it could be complete bullshit.  The thing is, We the Audience may never know and we have to accept that we don’t have to.  What matters is that we’re entertained.   In Reigns’ case, I still feel this is cover for something that could easily be categorized as “none of our business” yet, it’s fairly clear he needs some time and space and so, it’s given to him.  I don’t mind and I don’t really need to know.  All that matters is that he’s good to go in the end.  Call it whatever you want.  This philosophy also allows for those still hoping that Dean Ambrose’s scheduled departure is a work.  In that case, that would be an example of simply drumming up some drama.  Gotta keep us interested, right?
Secondly, besides all that we have Ric Flair’s birthday celebration which makes me feel this will be a sort of exhibition night.  Word is that RAW is in Atlanta and The Rock/Dwayne Johnson and Dave Batista are supposedly in town for filming (not necessarily on the same project) so, it’s very likely that 1 or both of them may make appearances.  Becky Lynch may show up to crash the party and who knows, Ronda Rousey may just show her the door.  We still have to drive towards WrestleMania and Fastlane nevertheless.  Charlotte should be around just because we’re celebrating her dear, old Dad and who knows who else may stumble out of the woodwork.   Since it’s a party, don’t expect the action to be too linear or have anything to do with much of anything.  Hopefully, it’s a fun night that allows us to look forward to WrestleMania and beyond.   I can live with that.  Funny tweets get retweeted and as for Likes/Favorites, it should be a loose night.  Let’s see if they spur us on to spouting off any gems.

See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
