Allow RAW to Show the Way to the Elimination Chamber

A Good Evening to You, Enthusiasts!

We have arrived at the RAW go-home show for the Elimination Chamber and I have to say, some jazzing up is in order.  I’ve practically forgotten what’s on the card.  And with a number of wrestlers limping through injuries, it’s hard to say what exactly we’ll get.  I can’t even speculate on what we can expect.  I’m not saying it’s a bad thing but I just hope they have their contingency plans in order.

For tonight, all that’s advertised is that Becky Lynch is set to return, though suspended and I can only assume she still hasn’t seen the resident doctor so, we’ll see how they play out that angle.  A battered and bruised Seth Rollins will address Brock Lesnar at some point. We’ll see if there’s a surprise lurking in the wings.  And Ruby Riott contemplates taking a bite out of Ronda Rousey if she doesn’t get arm-barred first. 

So, as you can see, I’m not exactly itching to see what happens at Elimination Chamber with this set-up but perhaps those seeds and crumbs will be dropped during the unadvertised bits…at least that is the hope.  I’m not going to harp on this too much because we can all admit this is one of the lesser PPVs so there’s less pressure to be “spectacular” but at the same time there’s the principle of the matter in this being a PPV that it should be a step above free programming because our hard-earned cash is now on the table. Due to the injuries, we may see some surprise returns around now.  This is all conjecture but I would see that as an easy fix to injured regulars.  As I’ve suggested in previous posts, I feel these lesser PPVs are good times to experiment and perhaps let some “surprise wins” happen.  Now, I’m not going to profess I get how to tell when we’re ready for a shock win.  That’s kind of the beauty of them.  If it were up to me, I’d literally leave it up to chance.  Perhaps flip a coin or pull a name out of hat.  It could inadvertently add a dash of realism and could perhaps limit backstage/locker room complaints.  But that’s just me.  We’ll see if they can blend something together that sticks.  Funny tweets get retweeted and as for Likes/Favorites, we’ll be open.  They may just surprise us.

See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
