SmackDown's Got Your Revenge Right Here...

Happy Halloween to You, Enthusiasts!

I hope you got Trick r’ Treating out of the way and are all settled in.  It is a school night, after all 😉 As for me, I opted to stay in ‘cause I only really celebrate Halloween when it falls on a weekend but, I don’t see why others can’t go out and have some fun.  In the meantime, I’ll feast upon some SmackDown.  Though, I don’t expect anything too incredible to happen, I do like how the WWE has taken a page out of The Simpsons book and decided to play with the concept of Current Event farce.  Giving a Game of Thrones edge to the tone of things has made this interesting again and I have to say I’m curious to see if they help themselves on this one.  So far, I’ve been seeing plenty of promise.   Yet, as things are in the WWE Universe, though off to a good start, this tactic could very easily fall flat in the future.  We’ll see how House SmackDown contends.

So, moving along,  House RAW left us a little befuddled last night because Braun Strowman managed to find his way back to real time play yet, his reappearance led to in-fighting with his RAW brethren.  Will SmackDown use this to continue to exploit RAW’s weaknesses in the weeks to come?  It would be an understandable strategy.  RAW has to shore itself up if it wants to stand a chance.  As it stands, all SmackDown may have to do is sit and wait as RAW implodes.  Before that celestial event, their 1st string team has yet to be fully assembled.  Tonight, Kevin Owens and Shinsuke Nakamura battle for rights to defend the House SmackDown flag.  Personally, with Kevin Owens usually out only for himself, I would think House SmackDown would prefer Shinsuke Nakamura in a team effort but, who knows.  Kevin Owens can be wily.  We’ll see who proves themselves tonight.  Funny tweets get retweeted and Likes/Favorites, who’s feeling quick on the retort? Anyone?  Tonight may be yours.

See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
