
Showing posts with the label SDLive

Yeah, Well, SmackDown's Still Here Too!...

Greetings, Enthusiasts! Though the hit & miss night of RAW ’s 25 th Anniversary is done and dusted, I’m sure you’ve all heard the news about Enzo Amore.  Allegations are that he raped a woman back in October and the poor lady has recently went public with her story.  If the allegations are true, I feel for the lady.  Can’t say I would be all that interested in the likes of Enzo Amore, semi-celebrity or otherwise.  Naturally, the WWE quickly severed ties with him so, for all those who couldn’t stand him, you get your wish.  He is no more.  Doubtful he’ll be missed, especially with this bad press, but it is sad to see that the #MeToo Movement has found its way to the WWE.  Though this universe is no stranger to sexual innuendo, it’s generally believed that nothing that goes down is actually untoward.  We presume there’s some degree of consent.  That’s what keeps the space a sort of “final sanctuary” for all of us with cheeky senses of humor.  It’s unfortunate that has been sli

SmackDown's Glad It's Free...

Come one, come all! Greetings Enthusiasts! How’s this Tuesday going for you?  I have to say that RAW made more sense than I can remember in recent memory.  Yes, Braun Strowman getting “fired” was a bit much but it was fun.  I thought he needed time off or something.  No, just for our viewing pleasure.  We’ll see how they’ll approach the angle moving forward.  Besides that, I was surprised it was able to keep some semblance of a story going.  Usually it’s a wham-bam, hodge-podge of action.  This time around, they were trying to maintain a train of thought.  They should do that more often if you ask me. In any case, SmackDown’s in Texas too tonight and all that’s slated is some 6-woman tag-team action and the US Title tournament continues.  Xavier Woods takes a shot at Jinder Mahal and Bobby Roode tries to squash Mojo Rawley’s momentum.  What fills up the rest of the time is any one’s guess.  Looks like some attention has been split in order to accommodate the Mixed Tag mat

SDLive's New Year's Wishes Are Better than RAW's...

Hello Enthusiasts! How does it feel being back at work, if that’s your lot?  Have to say, as much as I love being leisurely, I don’t mind having something to actually do.  Not that I missed the grind but I’m not complaining, let’s just say that.  So, last night’s RAW wasn’t bad so much as underappreciated I felt.  This time around, I think the merriment of NYE left the crowd weary.  Though there were some high points, the crowd certainly could have been better.  So, Christmas show, yes! New Year’s Day, not so much.  Kinda figures.  Sure plenty were nursing hangovers. In any case, hopefully tonight’s SmackDown crowd is more up for this evening’s action.  Looks like AJ Styles will have himself some ginger beer in the form of Sami Zayn.  The Usos have another case for the likes of Benjamin, Gable & Associates.  And will see how this US Title tournament shapes up.  Anyone know what the deal is with Dolph Ziggler?  Does he have other interests or something or are they doing

SMACKDOWN Makes Christmas a 2-Day Event...

Happy Post-Christmas, Enthusiasts! I hope it was a great one.  I certainly have no complaints.  Well, the Chinese Food could have been better but I didn’t have too many options.  In any case, RAW appears to have been a success with a solid show and viewers to match.  I have to say I was surprised at how much traffic I got.  Looks like plenty of us viewed this as a Christmas gift after all.  I didn’t need the 1 st hour to be commercial free but I was glad it was.  You know, the little things count and the word is the same goes for tonight’s Smackdown as well. There are no matches slated for tonight so it’s anyone’s guess what they entertain us with but, if it’s in the same vein as last night, we should be pleased.  The spirit of the Holidays is in the air and it’s permeating throughout the WWE Universe.  Whodathunk it?  I’m sure Dolph Ziggler will rain on some of the parade since he’s playing the “Bad Douche” right now. AJ Styles will probably make some sort of play for som

SDLive Doesn't Mind the Weather...

A Good Tuesday Evening to You, Enthusiasts! So, RAW had some interesting moments.  Still not sure about this “Woken” gimmick of Matt Hardy’s, Hideo Itami is a bit smaller than I envisioned and we can expect a Women’s Royal Rumble next year.   And as expected, no Roman Reigns.  They’ve had worse shows certainly but, I don’t know.  Even with the surprises.  Still just wasn’t the same.  Does that mean something?  We’ll have to see if the sentiment resonates.  With all the mixed responses and down right vitriol leading up to now, it is interesting that there does appear to be a difference when Reigns isn’t in the House.  Let’s compare to when he’s not supposed to be there. SDLive has their Clash of Champions fallout show in New Jersey tonight and for the most part, it’s a playful rehashing of some of the matches from last Sunday.  A few group tag-team matches featuring anyone around of any interest seems to set the stage.   Then the actual tag-team of The Usos will box Benjamin,

Tonight, We Witness a Clash of Champions!!!

Greetings Enthusiasts! Tonight should be interesting, with it being the final PPV of the year the Blue Brand has the dubious task of closing things out and setting us up for 2018.  Given the match card, we shouldn’t be too disappointed.  It looks like Mojo Rawley and Zack Ryder will work out their break up in the ring for the Kick-off show.   Guess Rawley is ready for his solo run.  We have a few multiple person melees set as well with The Usos, The New Day, Rusev Day and Benjamin, Gable & Associates going for what looks like a tag-team Fatal-4-Way.  Along with Dolph Ziggler, Bobby Roode and Baron Corbin set for a Triple Threat match.  I get the feeling we’ll close with either Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn against Randy Orton & Shinsuke Nakamura or AJ Styles vs. Jinder Mahal.  It’s hard to say.  Charlotte and Natalya going for it has gotta fit in somewhere too along with Breezango and the Bludgeon Brothers.  I wouldn’t be surprised if the latter finds its way to the Kick-of

A Little Frost Never Stopped SmackDown...

How’s Your Tuesday Going, Enthusiasts! Can’t say I can complain.  What I can complain about was the sloppy RAW put forth last night.  This is the sort of thing I don’t like to be able to call but I guess the true take-away is that WWE Creative can pull itself together when it wants to.  I would suggest lighting the fire a little more regularly…just a suggestion. In any case, thankfully SmackDown doesn’t need RAW ’s help because it has to hype up its own PPV in Clash of Champions set for this Sunday.  Tonight’s Go-Home show boasts a dance between Shinsuke Nakamura and Kevin Owens, I’m not expecting that one to be pretty.  The unlikely but quirky pair of Aiden English and Rusev take a shot at some “One Day-ish” against The Usos, anybody’s guess there.  The presiding ladies in Tamina, Lana and Carmella see if they can put a dent in the Riott Squad, all depends on how they go about it.  And Jinder Mahal takes a moment to continue to dislike AJ Styles.   This could be a good nigh

SmackDown Prefers Its Winters in SoCal...

How Goes It, Enthusiasts! I have to say that RAW was a lot better than usual and so, I had a lot more fun than usual.  Naturally, the buzz is Matt Hardy’s “Woken” gimmick has been initiated and will be pitted against Bray Wyatt in the first bout.  There’s promise but to be honest…I don’t know.  It wasn’t what I was expecting but, the one thing I’ve noticed about the Hardy Boyz/Men is that they know how to put on a great match.  They just get how to tell that sort of story.  In that respect, I’m pretty certain he’ll be able to do something interesting with Wyatt.  We will have to see what exactly what that will be, though. In any case, that leaves us with SmackDown .  They’re prepping for the final PPV of the year in Clash of Champions.  I’m assuming the build will start tonight but, we do have a few pending matters to see to beforehand.  Mr. Shane McMahon will have to address the shenanigans of Sami Zayn.  Charlotte is booked to dance with Tamina, not sure what to expect th

SmackDown Can Multi-Task. They'll Take Some Dessert with Business...

Happy Tuesday, Enthusiasts! Well, RAW was certainly spirited to start, even with Roman Reigns opening with a promo.  All went relatively well actually, until after Samoa Joe’s surprise jumping of the Big Dog.  After that, it was a sloppy, sloppy mess.  Not sure if plans were changed at the last minute or if bedlam was what was on the docket but it quickly crashed and burned in the last hour.   The Cruiserweights were a bright spot, I must say, but after that…could have been better.  Would I call it a disaster?  No.  Not by WWE standards by a long shot but, quizzical was the apt adjective to describe the revolving door of wrestlers that finally landed on Braun Strowman giving Dad (Kane) what for.  Not sure what happened there.  Let’s just say someone turned the fan on and that was that to the final notes. Anyway, we now have SmackDown to establish some sense of order after such a chaotic evening.  It shouldn’t be too hard.  The Viper, in Randy Orton is slated to appear and d

Who Shall Rule the WWE Realm!

A Good Sunday to You, Enthusiasts! Tonight is a tense one as we brace ourselves for the epic battles that will determine who has dominance within the WWE Universe.   It’s clear it’s all about the Bragging Rights because there are no titles on the line. It’s just feet to asses and we’ll be keeping score.   The thing about tonight’s PPV is that it’s supposed to be jam packed with action but, we know that more often than not, what’s supposed to keep us captivated is hit or miss.   This evening could potentially bore us for up to 5 hours.   I don’t think that’s going happen but I definitely do not expect to be riveted for the entire time. So, what we can expect is that all eyes will be on the Elimination Matches so, I expect those to be at the very least, interesting.   There’s a lot that could happen and hopefully it’s not a bunch of obvious play-fighting.   The same goes for the bout set with The Shield vs. the New Day.   This could be a sleeper hit for me beca

Will SmackDown Conquer!

Dunno, guess we’ll see… What’s Happening, Enthusiasts! Well, RAW closed with its own sort of bang with Dad (Kane) and Braun Strowman battling to prove who’s the biggest of them all!  The battle resulted in Strowman slamming Dad through the ring.  I sense the attempt at epic-ness but it was simply surprising.   It’s hard to be "Epic!" in this Day and Age.  They probably shouldn't try to stage that anymore.  The night's either awesome or it's not.  Nevertheless, after some anticipation, Strowman emerged to proclaim his dominance but I don’t know…Dad always has a trick up his sleeve.  Can’t wait until they let him just wear slacks and a wife-beater again, though.  He’s getting too old for the usual get-up. So, tonight we will be awaiting the strike that lets SmackDown know that House RAW remembers Green Bay.  Word has it that there are plenty of members of the RAW faction in attendance tonight so, who knows where they’ll pop out.  Word also has it that