RAW Invites You to Think About Something Else for a Few Hours...

A Good Monday to You, Enthusiasts.

How is everyone doing?  If it’s not a pandemic, it’s social unrest, isn’t it.  Well, here’s what I’ll say on that.  Remember what this injustice is really about.  It’s more than Racism.  It’s a matter of disrespect.  We must accept that an unfortunate aspect of Human Nature is prejudice.  With such a large brain, many of us don’t take the time to use it.  It generally boils down to being courteous.  Treat others as you would like to be treated.  Yet, too many of us use prejudice based on broad generalizations to validate disrespecting other human beings.  Question why a person has to feel better than/superior to someone else.  That’s where the root of this issue lies.  We’re all here with an equal shot.  Some of us are born with more going for them than others and it’s what we do with the proverbial hands we’re dealt that determine the merit of a person, not arbitrary means of categorization.  All anyone is asking is to not be rude.  How hard is that?

In any case, let’s get back to the WWE Universe.  As for what’s circulating, the big news is the firing of one of the head writers for SmackDown.  Well, after last week’s episode, I’m not surprised.  I appreciate the attempt at creating drama but what some of these people on the Creative team appear to lack is good taste.  I’m glad Jeff Hardy is willing to look at himself in the mirror but the DUI angle only works if you approach it from a PSA perspective.  The message that we got is that wherever they were holding Hardy has real shoddy security because he was able to make it back to help close the show.  What?!  Unfortunately, as cartoony as life in the WWE Universe can be, you simply can’t present it like a cartoon.  I don’t mind a more cinematic element being implemented but to do so with no effective end is just a waste of time.  All they proved is that they don’t get the WWE Universe at all.  Can’t write for something you don’t get.  And so, on to the next!  In the meantime, we’ll see if RAW misses a beat.  Not sure when this was filmed but expect people to tune in for the healthy escape.  That is partially why so many stay and come back from time to time.  The WWE Universe is a unique experience unto itself, even with all the misses.  We all must admit, it’s great when they get a hit.  I’m not expecting anything special but I’m expecting to be able to leave my cares at the door.  Funny tweets get retweeted and as for Likes/Favorites, well, let’s just take it easy shall we.  It’s been a tough few weeks.

See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
