RAW Reminds Us It's the Go-Home Show for HIAC...

A Good Monday to You, Enthusiasts!


There are some interesting rumblings in the wrestling world today. Some you may find more promising than others. Nevertheless, it’s probably good to be aware of what’s making the rounds on the grapevine. Let’s get into it, shall we?


So, Eric Bischoff is pretty much done with wrestling. He’s not bitter about it or anything he’s just kinda over it. He’s been doing it for the better part of his life and he is simply realizing that there is more to life than wrestling. He’ll peek back in from time to time but for what it’s worth, he’s through. Well, I only knew of the man though the biographies and the Dark Side of the Ring episodes have filled in some blanks. I wasn’t really aware of the man when he was in his heyday but I do know that he has made innumerable contributions to the industry and his service is respected and valued. I think he’s earned the right to do something else. I hope he fills his days with whatever keeps him happy.


The next bit of news may not be all that surprising. Word is that WWE is having a hard time selling tickets for its upcoming events and if they’re priced the way I’ve been hearing, that should have been expected. We’re savvy enough to know not to pay top dollar for crap. That’s WWE’s fault whether they like it or not. They’ve needed to retool for ages. It always takes a stark reality to get people moving. What’s the point of having the shows, if no one is going to show up? That’s what they have to figure out now. They should have seen this coming.


A bright spot however is that it’s looking like Samoa Joe will be returning. Rumor has it that he may takeover for William Regal as NXT General Manager. It’s not in-ring work but perhaps he could get caught up in a tussle from time to time backstage. He’s still spry enough for that. That’s the only thing he kinda has on Regal. I don’t watch much NXT but from what I’ve seen, Regal was doing a good job. He just may be getting on in years. Being the brand the up-and-comers are pulled from, I can understand the preference for a fresher look. Samoa Joe can come off like a superior but not seem too old to get in to it which we all know happens from time to time in the WWE Universe. I’m happy to hear it. I hope I hear of more news like that but let’s not hold our breath. This appears to be a company that prefers learning the hard way from every now and then. Let’s see if anyone learns the lesson this time around.


It’s not the best segue but it does lead us to tonight’s RAW. Bet you didn’t realize it’s the Go Home Week for Hell in a Cell. Wouldn’t be the first time. Just look at how no one is buying tickets. There is late word, however, that Summer Slam got some traction ticket sales-wise but for being on a Saturday in Vegas, why wouldn’t it? I’d probably try to snag a ticket if I were in town. Why the hell not? As for tonight’s show, there’s quite a bit advertised but what’s of note is that Riddle & Randy Orton will face 2/3’s of the New Day in Xavier Woods & Kofi Kingston. And Drew McIntyre will face AJ Styles in a kind of one-off before HIAC. Something tells me there may be some sort of interference. We’ll see if it ups the ante for Sunday. In the meantime, funny tweets & Likes get retweeted. We should have some material to work with but you see how it is. Don’t hurt yourselves out there.



See You in a Bit,

-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
