SmackDown Turns onto the Final Leg Before FastLane...

How’s It Going, Enthusiasts? Enjoying this Friday? It’s a little gloomy, weather-wise, in my neck of the woods but I otherwise can’t complain. So, there are at least 2 things that have gone down since the last post. Let’s talk a little bit about it, yes? The first bit is that Jade Cargill has made the jump to WWE having signed a multi-year contract. Don’t know what to make of it just yet. I don’t have anything personally against it. My only concern is the interest of the WWE Universe. No doubt many have heard of her but I don’t know if anyone really knows her or cares. When I say that, I’m talking more about casual fans. If they’re only half-heartedly watching it’s hard to say what they know of AEW. I know plenty of fans are privy. I know of her and agree she has the right look but I don’t know about everything else. Only time will tell I suppose and in that case, I wish her well. I really can’t say how this will go but let’s just hope it doesn’t turn out to be a waste of time. Th...