Saturday Night: Main Event (2)

A Good Saturday to You, Enthusiasts.


Enjoying your weekend? We get a bit of bonus action ahead of the Royal Rumble. When I think about it…I kinda like it. Should every major PPV be marked with a Saturday Night: Main Event? Give the non-paying public a taste? Show them how far things have come? Perhaps that’s been the endgame. I was never really thinking about it (^_~)


So, I’m looking at a couple matches tonight. They gotta keep to that tight schedule so, let me just do the same. The first match that has me intrigued is the Sheamus vs. Bron Breakker match for the Intercontinental Title. They’ve made it clear that this is the one that Sheamus has yet to win. Could it be tonight?


However, Bron Breakker is fast establishing himself as a force to be reckoned with and he has only just begun. Sheamus is on the decline whether anyone likes it or not. Does he have it in him and if so…who really cares? Now, I don’t feel that way but that is the Devil’s Advocate take. Does Sheamus get it and does he get it here?


Personally, I’m thinking Breakker retains just ‘cause of the event. It’s a SNME and so it’s the free sample to the public. In that case, Sheamus is old news but he knows the gig so he helps a young guy like Breakker get over. I think for his trouble, he gets the IC Title somewhere people will better appreciate it, like a SummerSlam or Money in the Bank. People watching mean to and know the story for the most part so the win should be what it ought. That’s just my thinking on it. We’ll see what they do.


The other match that has my full attention is Jey Uso vs. GUNTHER. I would say this is Jey’s to win or lose regardless of the outcome. Gunther is a reputable champion. I won’t deny it. And he’s more engaging than you’d think. Yet, that stick is firmly wedged up there and that makes it hard to fully relate. It’s why it works really. There’s an underlying arrogance that helps it sell.


The difference in Jey is that lack of seriousness, strangely enough. It’s hard to see him as a serious contender. We know he can dance and that’s good enough for most of us. I think he does deserve accolades and has earned them as a Tag Team Champion but he’s on his own now and has to prove he can in fact stand on 2 feet. In the same breath, he has to remain true to himself/character as well. I’m not asking for an austere, no-nonsense Jey Uso. He already tried to win an Emmy and it's just not the time or the place. If the situation calls for it, sure, put the game face on but if that’s not him, I don’t need him to wear it.


He has to show us that he can put a believable dent in guys like Gunther despite the lightheartedness. He’s been playing this game all his life. It should stand for something. I think this is basically what Jey has to prove right now. He’s already earned his keep and should be rewarded accordingly. So…prove it.


I’m not upset if they keep the title where it is but Jey should make it look like it could happen against anyone. He knows how to dance. I’d have him be smart and quick and see if Gunther keeps up or shuts him down. This one doesn’t have to be pretty. It just has to be probable.


So, that’s what I’ll be looking at. I have some other business today so there’s a slight chance I may have to catch up on Sunday but I should be able to fit it in. If all goes to plan, the unofficial watch party will be at 5pm PST/8pm EST. These are live so it kinda goes with the nostalgic theme. We all have to set aside the time. It’s good old-fashioned Fear of Missing Out. And with that...

See You in a Bit,

-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
