
Showing posts from December, 2014

GIVING IT TO YOU RAW…What Happened Last Night (Dec. 29th, 2014)

I came in expecting nothing, as I have come to do when it comes to RAW but, I could tell by the news coming from the Twitterverse that this was no regular RAW . Things were happening.  The plans for 2015 were beginning to take shape and it’s still hard to truly say that they are markers of the Revolution I so desperately seek.  It appears the WWE is adapting to our reactions and incorporating it into their scheme.  Is this a bad thing? It’s hard to say.  It is too soon.  Yet, I looked upon last night’s RAW knowing that not since the “season premiere” have I felt excited about it.  Last night, excitement returned.  Maybe RAW simply picks its spots or maybe it’s doing what it had to do eventually in order to survive. To begin, the Washington D.C. crowd was greeted by the night’s joint General Managers in Edge and Christian to give us some good ol’Attitude Era memories of when they raised all sorts of tag-team hell.  I don’t remember C...

Guess We Get to See How RAW it Gets...

Greetings, Enthusiasts! I'm taking advantage of these lax end of the year times and posting a little early.  So, it looks like the last RAW of 2014 is upon us.  Will it be a blaze of glory or leave plenty to be desired?  I've been pessimistic of late, I admit but, can you blame me?  RAW tends to let me down.  Yet, negative thinking does no one any good.  I'll do my best to be...neutral.  I'll let RAW do as it does with no expectations.  Why make things difficult (^_~) As for the we, let us tweet about it and have some fun, shall we!  If I must "die" let me die laughing.  Funny tweets get retweeted and funnier ones get that and a favorite.  I was made to chuckle last week and retweeted accordingly so, it does happen.  Give it a try. See You in a Bit, -Nicole Alexis.

PUTTIN’ THAT SMACKDOWN…What Happened Last (Tuesday) Night [Dec. 26th, 2014]

Smackdown continues to remain the saving grace of current WWE television programming.  Having read the spoilers well ahead of time, as I usually do, seeing what was booked as the main event left a sinking feeling in my gut.  We all know that the WWE is doing everything in its power to make this Roman Reigns push work and pairing him with Dolph Ziggler would be a good way to assist this on paper.  But that is what I feared, that it would be the “go-to idea” and would be implemented in random, sub-par fashion just so they can get Reigns “over”.  Yet, I was pleasantly surprised with a pretty solid night of entertaining wrestling, main event included.  I like this Steven Guerreri that’s taken the Smackdown helm, even gave him a shout out on the Twitters ‘cause I didn’t think he’d successfully cater to all the factions (fans, shareholders, executives) and still come up with something watchable. I stand corrected and perhaps shouldn’t have doubted for this has bee...

What's Gonna Be the SMACKDOWN Tonight?...

How Are You Doing, Enthusiasts? I hope everyone's Christmas went splendidly, whether you celebrate it or not.  And now, we can prepare ourselves for the next installment of SmackDown but I, perhaps as many of you, am not expecting too much. RAW was all right at best and though SmackDown has been the saving grace...I don't know...the spoilers aren't exactly promising, is all I'm gonna say at this point. I have been pleasantly surprised before, though yet...I think I was right in thinking that we should just give this year a wash.  Let us collectively hope that the new year will bring the WWE Universe something actually worth looking forward to.  It's not impossible but, just unlikely. Yet, I shan't be defeatist.  There is hope...if it's allowed. We'll just say that an upturn is "plausible" and leave it at that for now.  Funny tweets get retweeted, funnier ones will get the same and favorited. See You in a Bit, -Nicole Alexis.

GIVING IT TO YOU RAW…What Happened Last Night (Dec. 22nd, 2014)

RAW was the expected mixed bag this time around.  One could tell (those who have some knowledge of the matters at hand, anyway) that an effort was being made but, at the same time, it just wasn’t good enough.  What was presented was better than most compared to recent months but, the blatant problems remain and the huge question of how they will be resolved looms.   I for one feel that these changes are long overdue and have been adamant in voicing such.  And so, I can’t help but have a little smug pride in knowing that I was right.  Yet, I shan’t take too much credit.  The problems have been obvious and the general consensus is that changes are necessary it’s just “How?” and “What?” that seem to be the questions that are most up for suggestions.  I like how there’s an “open season” to these times in wrestling.  All it takes is a few good ideas to turn the tide of any revolution. Our evening of RAW  begins with Hulk “Ho-Ho-Hog...

RAW Season's Greetings Are Upon Us...

Happy Holidays, Enthusiasts! Last week, I thought I might OD on all the wrasslin' but now having had a respite, I'm starting to get the shakes.  I suppose I could have maintained my fix if I coughed up #$9.99 but I'm trying not to need anything like that, feel me (^_~) Well, I hope you are ready for some RAW festivities.  Not sure what to expect.  These holiday shows can get pretty campy in a bad way and I LOVE camp but, you've noticed how they've been doing a great job of messing things up lately.  I say call the rest of this year a wash and let's start fresh in the new year.  Are you with me?  But first, to the Twitter-sphere!  Funny tweets get retweeted and funnier ones get that and favorited. Show us your colors, brazen wrestling fans! See You in a Bit, -Nicole Alexis.

HONORABLE MENTION – WWE’S Tribute to the Troops

WWE Week comes to a close with the 12 th annual Tribute to the Troops show.   This isn’t entirely geared towards my demographic but, in all honesty, not much actually is.   Nevertheless, this fare is definitely more intended for our “Red State” enthusiast brethren.   Which is fine, we are a rich and unique tapestry.   And how could I really say anything against supporting our troops?   Shit, I’m not gonna go out there and serve if I don't have to.  I thank them greatly for doing the very commendable service. They are clearly better men and women than I.  Yet , I am absolutely fascinated with sniper mentality (one shot, one kill), unfortunately that is a topic for another blog.   In any case,  seeing how the continuity of the whole show is kinda more like an exhibition, I’ll just do a brief review of the matches.    Cool? First up, we have The Usos and the Brothers Dust have another tango.   I actually enjoyed this ma...