Will It Be a "Super SMACKDOWN"?....

Who can say, who can say.  RAW was actually decent last night but still a far cry from the solid NXT.  Tsk-tsk-tsk, usually you like to see the new generation succeed but not when you're still supposedly reigning supreme.  What to do, what to do?  Fortunately for us, that's the WWE's internal problem and we'll benefit by default because we're who they're trying to please.  Ain't being a fan, great!

Well, Smackdown is airing more or less in real time this week on the USA network so, whatever your typical Tuesday programming, scrap it or flip between commercials. I'll be tweeting like I usually do, as well.  Join the party if you please.  Always the more the merrier (^_~)

See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis.
