Getting Back on Track for SMACKDOWN!...

Evening Enthusiasts,

I hope this Thursday is treating you well.  You have to forgive me.  I been decidedly detained by other matters.  Rest assured, they aren't predominantly mine but others appear to value my assistance. In any case, I've been quite distracted but I feel the matter is getting under control and things can now return to some state of normalcy.  

Nevertheless, this week's RAW was surprisingly refreshing.  It appears the WWE is slowly getting its balls back and I like it!  The grittier matches and more plausible storylines are making it fun again, as it should be.  That's why we're all here, remember (^_~)  Funny tweets get retweeted and if a Favorite comes a Favorite comes and you'll all know it 'cause it's been retweeted too.

See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis.
