The Merciless Remain & Are Ready & RAW!!

A Merry Monday to You, Enthusiasts!

Well, I have to say that No Mercy was way better than I expected.  I was expecting dead spots left and right and there only was 1 really and that, I’m sure you all agree, came in Enzo Amore shadily defeating Neville for the Cruiserweight Title.  The match was kinda lackluster and the crowd really wasn’t feeling it but, Amore gets crowned anyway to lukewarm confusion.  I wouldn’t be surprised if this is “elaborated” on in some way tonight.  But I should relay that this strange win caused the wind to get completely sucked from the sails.  Brock Lesnar’s and Braun Strowman’s match suffered greatly from it, even with Paul Heyman trying to resuscitate the crowd with a rousing introduction.  A lot of heads were left scratching.

Yet, the true surprise of the evening was the Anti-Face Match in John Cena and Roman Reigns actually being a lot of fun to watch.  After thrice laying the Attitude Adjustment to Roman Reigns, Cena simply couldn’t break the man.  He kept getting up and proceeded to conclude the match with a spear of not so much epic proportions but, believable for the demise a man having just dealt many an Attitude Adjustment to someone of Reigns’ proportions.  We’ll be WWE Politically Correct and say that fatigue was the true winner here, though I think both gentlemen should be commended.  Really thought this one was going to suck.

The rest of the show wasn’t bad.  I would say Honorable Mention goes to the Ladies for putting on a delightful Fatal-5-Way and though Alexa Bliss retained, they made the back and forth interesting making the Ladies an increasingly formidable draw.  Good on them!  Now, tonight we’ll see what the WWE has set themselves up for.  Rumors are already circulating regarding a Shield Reunion for the next PPV yet, I’m not so sure we should get excited.  The word is also that this is a ploy to up ticket sales.  I say that’s a bad angle.  Everything done should be to generate ticket sales, a Shield Reunion should have more precedence.  This is an event for WrestleMania or Summer Slam and to a lesser degree a Royal Rumble.  If Creative’s just grasping at straws, I say there’s the bigger issue.  We’ll see if they show us they do, in fact, know what they’re doing.  Funny tweets get retweeted and as for Likes/Favorites…who’s feeling frisky?

See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
