Anyone Left Standing for TLC?....

Not too many it would seem 😉
A Good Sunday to You, Enthusiasts!
Well, isn’t TLC becoming buzz-worthy!  With the sudden replacement of Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt with Kurt Angle and AJ Styles respectively, it definitely appears that the WWE has run into a bout of “shit happening”.   Word is that some sort of virus has hit the roster hard and has prompted scrambling in terms of booking.  With the whispers of roster dissension on top of that, the scene is set for an interesting evening, indeed.  Even Triple H had to suit up to work a SmackDown house show, there’s so much going on.  Personally, I hope at least half of this are works.  I just get the feeling this is more planned than not but at this point, it doesn’t really matter.  If the point was to drum up interest, mission accomplished.

So, what does that mean for tonight?  I would say expect more, surprises. With the match card basically in flux, it’s anybody’s guess as to what we’ll actually see out there.   Needless to say, I’ll be more focused on what wasn’t originally planned to see if the WWE does in fact know how to roll with the punches or if these “punches” were staged the entire time.   I’m sure it’s a healthy mix of both.  Let’s see if they can make it all palatable.  Funny tweets get retweeted and as for Likes/Favorites…let’s just see what we get to work with first.

See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
