Still Don't Get It? Let SmackDown Help. It Does Know What It's Doing...

Good Evening, Enthusiasts!

How’s it going?  Well, I was going to start with the RAW recap but I think everyone is now reeling with the news that Dean Ambrose plans to leave the WWE once his contract expires in April.  Now, there is talk of this being a work since the WWE is confirming rumors but it’s hard to say.  I myself am I big proponent of real news getting dropped in the News Outlets first but…would this be considered news outside the WWE Universe?  Not sure.  That’s where this gets a little tricky.  In any case, I hope it is a work because I feel, though I haven’t been a fan of his heel-turn, we all know that sort of thing doesn’t stay permanent.  It feels a bit premature if he’s throwing in the towel.  I hope some sort of compromise can be reached.  He’s got a good, gritty energy that could appeal to new fans, especially those who aren’t feeling how we all have to be more sensitive nowadays.  He could serve as some sort of counter by keeping it loud and bawdy.  And let me just say that I was always in favor of some dissension within the SHIELD I just thought Ambrose getting more “Shield” would be the best way to go.  Selling the idea that Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, sick or not, simply forgot what the “Brotherhood” was about could probably be more easily and believably done.  Who knows, they may just steer it that way in light of this revelation.

In other news, if we look back on RAW I guess the biggest point of note was Ronda Rousey’s messy promo.  Phoenix, AZ was just not having her.  I’m not really even sure where all that came from.  I know Becky Lynch is hot right now, but this crowd just couldn’t be bothered.  I would say that is a better indicator of Rousey’s longevity than anything else.  The WWE Mob can certainly be fickle, as Daniel Bryan declares, and this is proof.  We’ll see if she wants to prove that she’s not flash in a pan or acts to type.

As for tonight’s SmackDown, it finds itself in an awkward position.  With the Ambrose news breaking, they’ll have to deflect the surprise and confusion.  We’ll also be keeping our eyes open for any clues to how “real” this Ambrose situation is.  SmackDown will have to somehow hold and direct our attention.  Not an impossible feat but again, that depends on what was previously planned.  Don’t be surprised if tonight seems a bit…tense.  They may switch things up last minute to distract us.  What’s circulating in terms of action for tonight concerns Becky Lynch continuing to push this rivalry with Ronda Rousey and Daniel Bryan will see if Erick Rowan will assist in his crusade against fat, wasteful Americans.  We’ll see how much that holds.  Funny tweets get retweeted and as for Likes/Favorites, we’ll see if we’re so moved.  Might be hard tonight.

See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
