RAW Is Tasked with Setting the Tone on the Road to SummerSlam...

Hello Enthusiasts!

How is everyone?  Hope you’re all doing well.  So, it looks like RAW has reclaimed the top spot because last week’s SmackDown was an absolute shit show.  Yeesh!  I’m all for paternity leave but Daniel Bryan, come back soon!  The creative problems are glaringly obvious...more so than usual.  Though it wasn’t all bad, The Fiend’s segment boiled down to bad theater as expected and the end with RETRIBUTION ransacking the place just came off lazy.  The WWE continues to show it doesn’t know what to do with itself but at least RAW has managed to hold our interest.

So, tonight, we get another taste of RAW Underground and that's fine by me.  It’s clear that a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors is done beforehand but they act like it’s real.  This could be a place where up-and-comers can make a sudden name for themselves and established names can “blow off some steam”.  After a bad match or a string of losses, they can amble to the back to see if they can somehow regain their mojo.  Dolph Ziggler was convincing, seeing what it’s like when the rules are minimal.  Maybe this week we’ll get some ladies in the mix.  Men aren’t the only ones who like to throw hands.  It shouldn’t be a boys club.

In any case, looks like we got a full 3 hours of action for the evening as Mickie James looks set to return.  Kevin Owens will do his best to get on Randy Orton’s nerves and Asuka and Bayley will have a go-round to keep each other sharp.  Some of it’s gotta be bearable.  Funny tweets get retweeted and as for Likes/Favorites, go ahead and skewer them if they deserve it.  We may have to show the WWE a little tough love this week.  If they miss the mark, make it clear that they can do better.

See You in a Bit,

-Nicole Alexis (^_~) 
