So, It's Looking Like It's Best to Follow RAW on the Road to Summer Slam...

Happy Monday to You, Enthusiasts!

How is everyone?  So, I got to get right to it and eat my words as my presumption about the WWE filming location change was incorrect.  What is supposedly going on is that the Amway Center is supposed to allow for COVID filming essentially.  Since a big part of the wrestling experience involves crowd participation, WWE is trying to find a substitute for no live audience.  To have affiliated parties serving as a stand-in crowd kind of defeats the purpose.   Who knows how paying customers will respond.  If you work for the company, you’re naturally going to play along as instructed.  It’s hard to get a genuine response.   The Amway Center will better allow for a “virtual experience”.  The WWE can better fabricate a “live experience” or at least an engaging one as we wait out the pandemic.  I’ll have to see what they come up with before I can comment.  Someone being out there currently is better than no one at all but if they can throw in some bells and whistles that makes me forget current circumstances, I guess there’s no harm.  Let’s see how the execution works out.

As for goings on in the WWE Universe, well, it’s obvious there are creative problems at SmackDown.   Granted we’ve sat through worse in the past, I was hoping we were passed those days.  It’s very disconcerting to see that with the recent changes, the Blue Brand is completely at a loss.  That is unfortunate.  Again, it brings the question of what’s everyone getting paid for.  If you have a creative department, they should have ideas ready to go.  Let these revelations inform you.  You can’t expect too much from these people, not when it comes to the creative presentation.

So, what do we have in store for us on tonight’s RAW?   Well, HBK is going to grace us with his presence.   Apparently he’s going to see what the hell is wrong with Randy Orton.  There’s also talk of Rey Mysterio being present to add some intrigue to Dominik’s match against Seth Rollins.  Remember, this is the Go Home Show.  We’ll see if they get us all hot and bothered for Summer Slam.  I’m not against it.  Not expecting it but I’m definitely not against.  As always, funny tweets get retweeted and as for Likes/Favorites well…RAW has been getting it right lately so there’s at least a glimmer of hope.  Don’t knock if they get it more right than usual but if they can do better, let it rip.  If you’re funny I’ll Like and retweet it just so everyone knows it.


See You in a Bit,

-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
