RAW Will Take Your Memorial Day & Raise You Hell in a Cell...

Happy Memorial Day, Enthusiasts! We’re in Go Home Territory for Hell in a Cell but we’ve got some wrestling news to toss around first. So, let’s get right into it. We’ll start with the most prevalent news. MJF had everyone going as he bailed on his meet and greets to make it look like he was going on strike before he opened AEW’s PPV in a loss to Wardlow this past Sunday. When I first heard about this, I didn’t believe it for a minute because this kid likes to play the angles and tossing it all away due to a bloated ego seems like character work not true plot because if it were true plot, the kid’s an idiot and he doesn’t come off that way. It’s clear MJF is thinking about it and in the process is proving kayfabe is alive and well. I would say it’s more in effect than general fans really admit. Sure, it’s all pre-determined but that doesn’t mean we know what’s actually going on regardless of how commenters act like they have the inside scoop. Accept that...