GIVING IT TO YOU RAW: What Happened Last Night… Sept. 8th, 2014

Way to wait until the “Season Premiere” to bring out the best stuff.  Wow! I was very happy with last night’s performance. It was what the WWE should be, wrestling entertainment.  It was frenetic, it was fun, some stuff was just plain out of left field and I enjoyed every…well, almost every minute but, leaps and bounds better than what’s been going on.  Though this opener was a bit “Heel-erific”, let’s hope that the excitement level sets the tone for the rest of this supposed “season”.

Starting off with a Steel Cage Match was a great way to get everyone's attention and the fact that there was little to no set up was amazing and refreshing.  I mean do you really need a set-up?  It’s staring right at you, shape of a steel cage.  All you need are the players in the form of Y2J himself, Chris Jericho and the “Touched” Bray Wyatt.  Though this was a fun match, it wasn't until Jericho jack-knifed off the top of the cage did it really get going. But the “knee injury” must have given Bray the edge because in the end, it was “Sister Abigail” who said good night.

After that, Triple H and, now official lackeys, Seth Rollins and Korporate “Dad” Kane get to talking with Randy Orton chiming in on his own behalf per usual. This segues into Dolph Ziggler utilizing a key tactic in entertainment by taking advantage of the recent Cloud hacking scandal to “humiliate” The Miz. They size each other up, to see who’s the douchiest of them all and Damien Sandow decides it’s best he gets in the mix too.  Unfortunately, this only gives the Grand Douche Title to Ziggler…metaphorically speaking that is. But when it comes to douches, can any of them really win?  My guess is probably not.

The Divas have at next, in the form of Rosa Mendes and Natalya (my fave) and Paige and AJ Lee.  Well, not much to report here though there was a bit of a “I’m crazier than you” stand-off between Paige and AJ at the end but, I think we all know that AJ always wins that battle. It’s all she knows.
We get some backstage hijinks after that, with Orton [whodathunk, right (^_~)]  throwing around a wounded Jericho in the medic room.  (Punk!)  And then, we have Mr. Paul Heyman taking a shot at using that Jedi Mind Trick he’s been learning, to get all up and in John Cena’s head.

Doesn't really work, though.  I mean, if you take away the “Cena” all you got is a “John”.  Can’t get much more boring than that.  Let Cena be Cena.  Seems to be making a good living at it.

Sheamus and Rollins go at it after that.  For whatever reason, probably just to mix things up, Rollins gets the win but more due to the assistance of fellow Heel, Cesaro.  He decided to make an appearance just to “make a point”. 

To give us a taste of this week’s SmackDown, the New Cold War is drummed up with Lana and Rusev coming out to ruffle feathers. Then we get a taste of the new generation with a brief NXT Takeover.  I found them interesting.  I guess a reasonable evolution of the times.  They seemed respectfully retro yet progressive at the same time.  That Adrian Neville was absolutely “spaztastic”, I have to say, quite the acrobatic fireball.  That’s who’d I’d want to see.

Then, of course, we get into the painful part of the night with the Bella Twins’ drama.  Even Jerry Springer can’t make it anymore palatable than it is.  Their brother really doesn't help either.  Irregardless, it doesn't seem like anyone can, because the catfight ensues anyway sucking Springer into it.  Stephanie McMahon takes a Bella by the hair and sees to Springer as the medics file in to make things dramatic.  We all would've been fine without this segment but…it’s always fun to have Springer in the mix.  There should have been some big reveal though. Chairs should have been thrown and a freak out should have been had.

Next, we have The Usos lead us into the “GoldStar” vs. Los Matadores match with some choice words for the “Dusters”.  And when the Brothers Dust win, the Usos congratulate them like only feuding brothers can.  Jey bandaged up and on crutches and all. Love a good rivalry!

We get a bit of cheese and crackers after that, with Titus O’Neil and Adam Rose going for it. But of course, we’re all interested in what The Bunny is gonna do to Heath Slater and he doesn't disappoint.  Yet, with O’Neil distracted, Rose picks up the win. What are you gonna do? The guy rolls with a posse that has an ass-kicking rabbit.  May want to think twice is all.

Then we get to the juicy bit in the closing rematch between Orton and Roman Reigns.  Now, here I feel we got a glimpse of what could be. The match was epic and fun and both sides got to display what they do, in fact, bring to the entertainment table.  Orton does a great job of “bitching out” Reigns and Reigns does a good job of not coming off like a bitch, even with getting his hair pulled.  I probably – I’ll just admit it – I like this match up for all the wrong reasons and I’m not ashamed of it. It’s a lot of fun to watch.  I particularly liked how someone seems to be hearing me or at least someone who thinks like me and let them get a little "real".  Just before Orton called in the cavalry and the cage, Reigns pulled off a basic ground & pound…brought a smile to my face.

You see, that’s what I’m talking about.  Beat his ass!  And to prove my point, it didn't really matter who won. Though, Orton heeled his way to victory, the point is, did you enjoy the fight?  I know I did.  It’s that sort of philosophy they need to stick to.  I don’t expect them to blow my mind every night.  We are all merely human.  But I do expect to have a good time and be thoroughly entertained.  Let’s start with that.
