My 2¢ and Your Crib Notes on What Happened Last Night

RAW Air Date: Sept. 1st, 2014 - 8pm PDT

So, can’t say that I was as disappointed as I was with the previous SmackDown but again, not impressed.  And it’s not like I’m over here looking for Emmy award winning television.  My sights are already low, so...yeah...

Anyway, the opening was what it was.  Chris Jericho, good ol’Y2J, warms things up and helps set the tone which I appreciate.  He obviously knows what he’s doing and executes well.  I have much respect for him and like him as a Face.  Don’t blame him for dabbling in other interests but, he’s smart enough not to completely ditch the main breadwinner.   He plays along enough.  When the Authority got out there, I liked the jabs that were tossed back and forth.  Something that they might want to play with more often to make it fun. Yet, though I understand that there’s now a push to re-establish Cena, again Creative has to figure out what it is exactly they’re trying to do with these set-ups.  I understand needing a lead into the action but sometimes the contrivance prompts us, the audience, to want them to just get to it.

And they do...eventually.   Cena makes some empty or at the very least silly threats, HHH talks some shit. Kane, who I like to refer to affectionately as “Dad” because when he does the “Korporate” thing, he just reminds me of someone’s Dad at work, especially when he throws down in the wifebeater.  Cracks me up.  You can just envision him angrily closing up his paper and storming out the den to go see what these kids are up to,  yelling “What the hell!” while busting into a living room to crack skulls.  Love it!  But I digress.  So, I liked how Kane played his part.  Seth Rollins does the “punk-ass little brother” shtick to a tee so he gets stars for Heeldom (…Heel-itude?).  Randy Orton, once he remembers, goes into his bit to call out Roman Reigns who appears happy to oblige.  I was glad to see that the crowd has not completely abandoned Reigns, given that epic fail that occurred last time we saw him, but it definitely left a mark.  It makes itself felt after he throws his hat into the ring for being in the big match of late.  See for yourself about the 10:45 point.

A bit a lukewarm the response, is it?  Kinda flat like an old can of open soda. Certainly not the response you’d see/hear 2 weeks ago.  Good job supporting your boy, Creative. Setting him up real nice. Like I said last post, I’m not going to say he’s better than he is, but the action that inevitably ensues, does show the potential.  It is there.  If Reigns is smart, he'll take time to make sure that each appearance he makes is better than the last.  We all know how we talk.  Next time it all goes to hell, it should be clear whose fault it wasn’t, is all I’m saying.  All in all, we end up with another 6-Man Tag Team Match as the main event for some marbles? Bragging rights, whatever.

After that, it gets real douchy with The Miz and Ziggler though offset by the standard fare in Sheamus and Cesaro.  This match was the most like “wrestling” more or less in my opinion.  It was campy and watchable but at the same time I could have easily gone to the concessions stand or bathroom during it.  Probably still be going on when I got back anyway.  It serves its purpose.  Can’t all be gold.  Fair enough.

Then you get some sloppy Divas action.  So sloppy, I’m beginning to think I could do it. This gets followed by a “Big Boys” match including the secondary Wyatts in Harper & Rowan vs. Big Show and Mark Henry with a Rusev chaser.  Again, got some decent wrasslin’ in and it was somewhat entertaining as well.  It was like the Old Schoolers put on a little clinic using the more technical New Schoolers as examples.   I like Big Show and I like Mark Henry.  I think they should keep it up as long as they’re able.   If Creative ever changes up their approach, they could even act as some sort of Locker Room Ombudsmen at some point but, that’s a pipe dream.

Moving on, Jack Swagger and Curtis Axel go at it for whatever reason…I can only guess to get Swagger’s confidence up or something.  But it does allow for Bo Dallas to make an appearance.  Now, I didn’t get Dallas at first but if his background is true, and even if it isn’t, I think it allows for a lot of fun down the road.  If done right, it could be a glimmer of hope in terms of character development.  I hope they pursue the avenue, could be interesting and darkly funny.

After that, we get some “Bunny” action courtesy of Adam Rose and Heath Slater. Some absolutely excruciating Bella Twins’ So-Called Life and a Mark Henry vs. Rusev teaser...meh, I’d watch it.  Then, it gets real bad.  I don’t know if Stephanie just needs something to do or they’re doing favors to Cena & Daniel Bryan by plugging these gals but, bananas and cheddar!  


Must we?  Don’t the Bella Twins have Total Divas to play out all this sibling rivalry.  They got a problem with each other, fight it out.  That’s what we’re all here to see.  They kinda start it up when Paige and AJ Lee end up out there which alludes to a possible match up between Stephanie and AJ.  That I wouldn’t mind.  Seems unfairly matched honestly but what AJ brings in terms of crazy may even out the size difference.  Whichever, bring it on.

Next we get Bray Wyatt doing his, “Stare into the sky and see me…” sort of thing as he “spooks” out Jericho in theory.  Then we get into the true Tag Team match with The Usos vs. Goldust & Star Dust.  Personally, I’m a big fan of the Usos so, I always root for them but, I like this pairing generally speaking.  Whatever’s going on will be entertaining. I get the feeling you can at least count on that so, good job guys.

And lastly, the big ol’6-Man Tag Team match with everyone who matters.  It was fun.  I like this form of entertainment because it’s easy to MST 3K it.  Insert funny quip here and there but, what surprised me pleasantly is how it did, for once, show Cena in a good light.  He actually can put on a good show.  I never really had a problem with Cena but I understand why we’re generally split down the middle with him.

He’s 2-dimensional.  He doesn’t even really have a gimmick.  He’s just this guy that if he wasn’t doing this, he’d probably be playing football or coaching or something.  There’s nothing really to invest in.  Yet, you can’t deny his earning power.  His brand, whether anyone likes it or not, carries the WWE right now.  So, by all means, give him his due.  I like how it all played out. Definitely a lot cleaner than some of the recent stuff I’ve seen and it does get you somewhat jazzed to see Night of Champions though, I’m not going to throw down to see it.  So, I’ll end with the notion that brought me to create this blog in the first place.  You want us to stay interested? You want us to pay $9.99 or rather $59.94 since that involves a 6-month commitment?  The product should be worth it.  Yeah, I can see all the old stuff at will but, can’t I do that on the YouTube or somewhere on the “internets” already?  Right now, given what’s being churned out, half the time I’d want my money back.  Give the people something worth paying for.  They may just do it.



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