GIVIN’ IT TO YOU RAW…What Happened Last Night (Sept. 22nd, 2014)

Following Night of Champions, up in the air seems to be the general theme of the WWE at present.  With Roman Reigns out for probably the rest of the year at least, Dean Ambrose seems happy to step-up and fill in the blank.   Nevertheless, I think in last night’s showing of RAW, it was apparent that a scramble is definitely going on with Creative to keep things going during Reigns’ absence.  Yet, it can just as easily be said that’s been the state of things for a while, despite who’s on the Disabled List.  Though I’m curious about the original plan and progression, the show must and did go on in an acceptable if not erratic fashion.

We open with Dean Ambrose picking up where he left off from Night of Champions, eager to continue his job of beating Seth Rollins’ ass. I personally love that Ambrose is ever so willing to kick Rollins’ ass all-day, every-day, no matter what.  The only caveat I would think is keeping it fresh.  Would a feud like that ever get old?  Depends on how it’s done.  Last night, Ambrose starts out as usual, looking to beat that Rollins ass and instead a John Cena comes out.  Mildly disappointed, Ambrose more or less questions why Cena’s out there and Cena retorts with feeling a need to get a foot up that Rollins ass, as well.  Well, Ambrose doesn't like any one muscling in on his territory, even if it is someone’s ass (*snicker*).  They circle, sniffing, sizing each other up and before something unexpected happened, The Authority saunter out with their crew (Seth Rollins, Korporate Kane [Dad] and Randy Orton) and spit a different idea. Figures.  Well, Cena and Ambrose are able to agree on one thing and switch to attack mode and charge!  Rollins, true to form, bails out with Ambrose and Cena close behind, both getting their hits in as Rollins stumbles, dodges and tosses obstacles to get to some car and heads to Starbucks, the nearest bar…he goes somewhere, leaving The Authority to clean up and Cena and Ambrose with nothing to do for the time being.  Meanwhile, The Authority decides that Dad needs to shut Ambrose down and Orton well, he needs to get some payback for Cena spoiling his scheduled night at The Happy Ending.  For those of you unfamiliar with Los Angeles, The Happy Ending is just about the douchiest bar in the city.  I have a running joke with a friend of mine that Orton hangs out there just being a huge D, ruling beer pong, hitting on chicks. You know, he’s “That Guy”.  Other douches love him but anyone else is like, really?  I didn’t know people like this actually existed.  It’s funny to us.  If you’ve ever been there, you’d get what I’m talking about but I’m sure all metropolitan areas have a place where one could relate.  In any case, it fits his heel persona to a tee.

So, with the main events set, we go into the lovable douche match with Dolph Ziggler and The Miz having a rematch of last night’s bout over the Intercontinental Title and it’s on the line too.  Well, this seems to generally be the modus operandi of these 2 after a pay-per-view.  Whoever got it last, gives it up next night.  I’m sure there are instances where that hasn’t happened but, Creative may want to vary this up a bit.  Maybe start getting Adam Rose, Titus O’Neil or even Heath Slater and The Bunny into it.  And where’s Fandango at?  Come to think of it, haven’t seen him in a minute.  But they’re all in the same range.  As much as these guys have chemistry in the ring, it’s not enough to want to see ‘em all the time.  I have a short enough attention span as it is.  Let them see other people; open up the relationship to inject new life.  It works sometimes (^_~) In any case, Ziggler picks up the win in a good match.  Didn’t say they weren’t entertaining just saying that one could get sick of chocolate if one had it all the time.   Mix it up.

Then we have Bo Dallas and Jack Swagger having at it once again.  There wasn’t much to this match.  Jack Swagger pretty much came in and bitched Dallas out with a Patriot Lock.  And then, Zeb Coulter didn’t wait until tonight to talk some smack to complete the insult to injury.  Yet, I do recall Zeb questioning whether Bo Dallas is his “real name”, though.  I don’t know if that is an allusion to anything that they may cough up soon but, I suppose we’ll see.

Next up, we have some Diva action with Summer Rae and my best friend in my head, Natalya taking their Total Divas beef to the ring.  I’m not sure how I feel about using a pseudo-reality TV Show as fodder for matches but, at the same time it may very well be the future, depending on whether it actually works or not.  That remains to be seen but, the ladies turn out a good match.  I’ve always liked Natalya.  I believe she gets it when it comes to this type of wrestling, as she should given her background.  It’s literally in her blood.   So, it was anticipated and appreciated when she promptly put Summer Rae in her place with her Sharpshooter.   Rosa Mendes and Layla were ringside, respectively for, I don’t know, moral support.

Then it starts to get juicy with the Lunatic Fringe, Dean Ambrose, taking an imposed break from Seth Rollins and going at Dad/Korporate Kane.  I’m always kinda torn when it comes to these David & Goliath type matches.  I mean, it’s set up to be that but, again, execution is key.   Though I like Dean Ambrose’s psycho energy, he too can be a bit transparent and has a tendency to over-exaggerate.   I understand playing to the back of the house but there is a happy medium between clean execution and making oneself visible. Nevertheless, we all know that you can’t keep crazy down and it does get crazy.  After some quick reversals from both parties, Rollins had his fill of wherever he was and gets back into the mix.  Naturally, he and Ambrose resume their constant battle with Dad finishing it by serving Ambrose up a nice big helping of Choke Slam.   Rollins gives Ambrose a bit of a stare down, since he’s got someone else now to do the heavy lifting and leaves Ambrose to think about what just happened.

Elsewhere backstage, Rollins and Kane meet-up with Triple H to devise their next plans of WWE domination when Ambrose, just isn’t in the mood to quit.  He raises the kinda hell only he can to the point where Stephanie had it and has him “locked up” in some room and detained by security/guards.  She makes the fine point of how everyone they throw out comes back anyway, just keep him locked up.  We’ll see if that works.

After that, we get caught up on the Reigns Predicament.  We get an update on his condition and even some video of him explaining his side of the story.  I found this endearing, actually.  It’s always good to separate the man from the myth from time to time and with critics harping on his lack of charisma, to see him vulnerable in this way may allow for some insight into his actual character as a person as well as gain sincere sympathy.  In all honesty, I think this change of plans is a blessing in disguise.  No doubt the experience sucked a lot for him, but this is the stuff of character, hardship, pain, suffering.  It will give him plenty of time to get straight on how he wants to present himself in this WWE Universe.  Given how Those in Charge were hell bent on pushing him, knowing full well he wasn’t ready, just makes me think that there’s a good chance they don’t have his best interests at heart at times.  Now, he’s sidelined with a condition that has to be allowed to heal properly or else it’s career-ending, which is of no use to anybody.  I think this will put his push/stage persona on more solid footing by default.  Like I’ve voiced in my initial post, we the Audience are smarter than Creative may give us benefit for and if they truly want to make him “The Guy”, he kinda has to be for “reals”.  We’ll always know the difference.  We already know he’s not that great of an actor, no offense, but it’s honesty and authenticity that will ultimately make or break him.  He has to be presented in a way that we can believe and support but, more importantly, he has to be able to support that and be believable.  So, please allow me to suggest taking it easy with the hokey angles and gimmicks with this guy.  Have him kick ass and take names, vary it up once he hits his stride.  Remember, I think the majority of us would like to see this work.  It may now actually have a chance.

Any-way, after that segment we get back into the action with another 6-Man Tag Team match featuring my hope-to-be pals The Usos and Sheamus with The Brothers Dust and Cesaro.  I don’t really feel the need to comment too much on these matches because they don’t disappoint yet, they are what they are.  So, again, it’s more of an “is this all you got?” kind of sentiment coming from me now.  They always do solid outings but this feels like the umpteenth match-up between these guys.  I know there are other guys on the roster and NXT cats that are ready and willing.  This is as good a time as ever to experiment.  Nevertheless, The Usos and Sheamus nail a nice win.

The next match, I wasn’t really too sure about.  Mark Henry does himself very well, but this patriotic push seems to be a little much against Rusev.  I suppose Creative is just trying to get into our hearts a little but, I don’t know if this is the way to do it.  You have an “ailing” Henry try to defend America’s honor and fail to a ruthless Rusev.  I mean, it does make a solid set-up for payback but…again, most of us have been fans for years.  We’ve seen the angles.  And I’m not saying reinvent the wheel but more, just keep it real.  This isn’t that serious, is it?   I mean, do we really need to be going here when all we’re trying to do is have a good time? Creative has to pick their spots with this type of pitch.  General rule of thumb is follow current events.  Yeah, Russia’s starting shit but not really with us at the moment.  We’re focused on the Middle East right now.  So, that morale is a little flat and besides, who wants to see someone in pain, suffer more for frivolous reasons?   Just because we like to see ass get kicked doesn’t mean we don’t have hearts.  And even if it is kayfabe, still not making us feel very good about watching.  You want to spark a rivalry, not pity.

Fortunately, the mood is lightened with Adam Rose and Co. up against Titus O’Neil and Heath Slater, a.k.a “SlaterGator”, I’m hearing.   This kitschy match was actually entertaining.  It kinda cracks me up that I kinda have to give it to these guys.  I’ve underestimated them.  They all trade blows cleanly.  The Bunny, of course, gets into it and connects well even in the suit.   There’s something here.  I think they should keep it up as long as they can keep it fun.  Oh, and the Bunny comes out on top.

What comes next is some more Bella Twin back and forth that I’m just going to cut to chase with because…no one really wants to hear it but, Nikki leans into her burgeoning heel-itude to lay into Brie’s choice of man and Brie shows Nikki where the line is.  That was fun enough but it was hard to sit through to get to it.  In any case, this spat segues into AJ Lee, having regained her Divas Title, to face a “hungry” Nikki Bella.  This wasn’t a bad match.  Nikki does a decent bad girl but AJ does the best crazy in this town and she keeps her baby with the Black Widow.  Not to mention that Paige sat in on some commentary but it wasn’t nearly as fun as when AJ does it.

After some filler, we get to the Main Event with Cena vs. Orton.  Now, I was out the game a good 15 years since I peaced out but I’ve been back in it regularly for a little over the past 2 so, I missed out on when this was a big deal.  I’m actually just getting to know Cena and Orton as wrestlers and the match was well-executed, they’re definitely pros it’s just this match didn’t seem to have much rhyme or reason to it.  Now, given the Reigns situation that may have very well been the case but even so, this might have been a time when a little trash talk would’ve better set the scene.  It felt more like I was watching some sort of wrestling clinic.  But never fear, there was some hints at some sort of surprise to come and it does in the form of a cinderblock shape of…Dean Ambrose!  How’d he get out of there?  Whatever, he goes ballistic on anyone that he “can see” with Cena backing him up where it counts.  Orton and Kane get roughed up and Rollins hightails it per usual because you know, that’s what he does.  For coming up with something on the fly, not bad but they may have been thinking a little too much. #IMHO

See you Friday!
