
Showing posts from January, 2015

PUTTIN’ THAT SMACKDOWN…What Actually Happened Last Night (Jan. 29th, 2015)

Well, Enthusiasts it looks like there was method in the madness after all.   It appears that the WWE likes to play Russian Roulette.   What was undoubtedly a bad decision was possibly an odd attempt at reverse psychology.   In throwing Roman Reigns to the proverbial wolves in Philadelphia by giving him the Royal Rumble win, the scenario of Reigns needing to prove himself in a very real sense was created.   He now has to overcome the adversity/animosity generated by the WWE, who may simply be taking needless risks to sell him to us because they apparently need him to be “over” now as opposed to later.  This is mainly due to the questionable approach the WWE is currently adhering to and the financial hits they've already incurred because of it.  They have decided to take a literal approach to this “Reality Era” and one thing is for sure.   If Roman Reigns is going to be “The Face” of this company, he’ll have an uphill battle in order to do it. ...

What Do You Think, Enthusiasts? Will It Be More RAW or Get SMACKDOWN-ED...

Word is that what we'll get tonight will basically be what they originally planned for this week's RAW but, the internets speak of Brock "Gun Jack" Lesnar and Randy Orton being scrapped.  So...who knows what we'll see.  I wouldn't be surprised if the WWE start to disinform and misinform within the ranks so whatever gets leaked will be inconsequential.  We the Audience being already privy to their plans does impact their "storylines" and how they take.  Not knowing what's credible just adds to the hype.  In any case, though I'm not expecting to be blown away, I am very curious as to what they present.  This is a sort of make or break night.  You can already tell that they're starting to cave to Us by making February a free month for the WWE Network.  Even so, I'm not sure I'll check out Fast Lane.  So far, not at all interested and I get the feeling I'm not alone.  We'll all have our "Critic" hats on tonight s...

Relive RAW Tonight & Live SMACKDOWN on Thursday

How are we doing, Enthusiasts?  Still smarting from the Rumble?  Well, not as much as the WWE so, take solace in that.  Well, it appears that the Gods have taken some pity on this company and the elements have converged to force the WWE to postpone this evening's RAW , though they will be airing live from their HQ in Hartford, Connecticut.  No doubt it'll be some sort of clip show/Royal Rumble recap hosted by Michael Cole or the like. Yet, to compensate Smackdown will be televised live on Thursday.  You don't need me to tell you that the WWE can and will most certainly use this time to implement heavy damage control for this huge self-inflicted wound that was the Royal Rumble.  I would definitely say it's probably at about Def Con 3 at HQ right now and this extra time enables Creative to come up with something that salvages what's left.  Hopefully this serves as the wake-up call that my entire blog is basically about.  You can't underestimate a...

THE ROYAL RUMBLE CONUNDRUM…What Happened Last Night (Jan. 25th, 2015)

Oh my goodness, Enthusiasts!   This was a very interesting Royal Rumble, the first I’ve ever witnessed actually and talk about a sticky situation.   The WWE has decided to go ahead and push Roman Reigns by letting him win the Rumble and Philadelphia , as most predicted, was not having it.   I don’t really blame them, he isn’t ready but I don’t hate it that much but, I get what the problem is.   The question now becomes, how will We the Audience actually respond.   Will the WWE Universe wash their hands of this whole thing, or just Philly?   It’s hard to say but I wouldn’t be surprised if rewrites are flowing furiously as we speak.   So, we open the night with what we would think in our precursor with Big E. Langston and Kofi Kingston of the New Day with Xavier Woods on the mic up against Tyson Kidd and Cesaro with Adam Rose & the Rosebuds at ringside.   This is actually a solid match.   Langston and Kingston work well tog...

Are We Ready to RUMBLE!!!!....

The anticipation is crackling in the air, Enthusiasts!  The Twittersphere speaks of The Rock being in Philly and with sudden entrant changes for the Royal Rumble seemingly transpiring as I type, it's anyone's guess what will go down tonight. Well, I for one am all for it and ready to go.  I'll be tweeting too.  Join in on the fun.  Let's see if this night will be worth the $9.99 many of us shelled out for it.  Funny tweets get retweeted and the funnier get a favorite.  Let's see what they got! See You Soon, -Nicole Alexis (^_~)

PUTTIN’ THAT SMACKDOWN…What Happened Last (Tuesday) Night [Jan. 22nd, 2015]

What’s happening, Enthusiasts?   So, Smackdown had a tough act to follow and I wouldn’t say that they so much matched RAW as they maintained their own sense of consistency, which is fine.   Sometimes RAW does get it right, as we saw but, the true mark of any account of excellence is longevity.   It remains to be seen if RAW can maintain, something Smackdown has steadily proven thus far.   In any case, I was adequately pleased with Smackdown’s offering and not so much anxious for The Royal Rumble but more comfortably prepared.   As We the Audience have come to realize, what the WWE comes up with often is hit or miss and seeing how I prefer to avoid disappointment if at all possible, I’ll remain cautiously optimistic about what comes to pass this Sunday night. We open in Austin, Texas with Daniel Bryan coming out to greet the crowd.   Our hero has some good things to say, seeing how John Cena was able to “earn back the jobs” of Dolph Z...


Will it be epic?  Well, for once Smackdown has a tough act to follow but the spoilers are somewhat promising.  Suppose we'll all see.  I'm always up for some Thursday fun, how about you Enthusiasts?  Let's start tweeting about it.  Funny tweets will get retweeted and the funnier ones get a favorite too.  Let's see what they got and don't hold back. See You in a Bit, -Nicole Alexis (^_~)

GIVING IT TO YOU RAW…What Happened Last Night (Jan. 19th, 2015)

What’s going on, Enthusiasts?  Well, I don’t know about the lot of you but, I was quite impressed with this week’s “downgrade”.  Maybe RAW Creative was getting sick of all the shit talk coming in its direction but, it made a strong showing last night, getting most of us all hot and bothered for The Royal Rumble coming up this Sunday.  Needless to say, I’ll be throwing down the $9.99 to take a gander and so far, it doesn’t seem like it’ll be money poorly spent.  Yet, as per usual, we shall see. We open in Dallas, Texas and it being Martin Luther King Day, we get a brief history lesson as to why most of us have the day off to start.  Then, we get right to it because Brock “Gun Jack” Lesnar is in the house and he’s a bit pissed.  Well, pissed enough to speak for himself and who can blame him!  That little punk, Seth Rollins, had the nerve to think he could get away with Curb Stomping him last week.  Where the fuck is he at, anyway!  ...