We're Gonna Get RAW Soon...Are We Ready?...

How's about it, Enthusiasts?  Since we've got Fast Lane on Sunday, we're officially in "Go Home" territory and it looks like it'll occupy Florida, for the most part.  I'd say the locations are telling but, we'll see what happens.  RAW likes to get our hopes up so, we might get a decent show tonight but, we will have to wait until Smackdown to get any real indication of what can be expected at Fast Lane and if it'll be worth watching, regardless of it being free. At least, that's how the Royal Rumble played out.  We'll see what the WWE has learned.  In the meantime, let's tweet about it!  Funny tweets get retweeted as well as thought-provoking ones. The really funny and/or profound will be favorited.  Don't hurt yourselves (^_~)

See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis.
