RAW You Say? I Prefer Cooked...

S'pose I'll give it a try anyway 😉

What’s up, Enthusiasts!

So, looks like RAW is in my hood this time around and it’s all very “hush-hush”.   Alas, I won't be attending, as is obvious with this post, but I will be catching it at its usually scheduled time with all the other West Coasters who have to work.  Well, with Great Balls of Fire coming up, the word is Lesnar could be ariound and the beef between he and Samoa Joe will continue to simmer and after that, whatever the hell else they care to display.  I’m sure the Enzo and Big Cass break-up will be addressed to some degree and who knows about whatever other bells and whistles they’ll put out there.  I get the feeling this will be a “pulled out of the hat” sort of night.

Personally, I feel like it’s been awhile since we’ve done this.  The PPV’s are throwing me off.  It feels like months since I’ve seen wrestling.  On another note though, who checked out GLOW on Netflix?  So far, I’m charmed.  What do you think, Enthusiasts?  Is there a WWE based Premium show on the horizon.  Something that shows us where the Kayfabe ends and the "real story" begins?   If I were them, I wouldn’t put it on the WWE Network.  I’d pitch it to HBO, ShowTime and the like.  Adds credibility.  In any case, funny tweets get retweeted and Favorites…those we only whisper about.

See You in a Bit.
-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
