RAW Honors Labor Day by Working...Is That Considered Ironic?

Happy Labor Day, Enthusiasts!

Hope yours is going splendidly.  As for myself I can’t complain.  Yet, as for tonight’s action, let’s see if there’s anything to get our panties in a bunch about.  A few big markers for tonight are the Bella Twins’ return.  They’re set to face the Riott Squad.  Now, since they’re returning the outcome isn’t so much a wonder as is if they’ll still be able to sell themselves out there.  They’ve been out the ring a minute and I’m not going to be the least bit surprised if there’s tons of ring rust.  I never really cared for these ladies in the ring though Nikki made great strides the last time I saw her action.  Definitely a night and day difference from when she debuted.  So, we’ll see if they maintained or if the lack of practice shows.

Also, it looks like Shawn Michaels will be making an appearance.  Why, I can’t really say.  I’d assume it’s for some sort of Hell in a Cell stipulation or maybe it’s just to hype the upcoming Super Show in October.  Whichever the case, I’m not sure how much I’m really going to care about it.  I don’t mind the man it’s just clear he has nothing to do with the current goings on.  It’s all hype and that’s fine but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I suppose another point of note is the response the SHIELD will have to Braun Strowman teaming up with Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre. We know this will all serve as fodder for Hell in the Cell but will it hold our interest?  The end to RAW last week was fairly lackluster.  We’ll these gentlemen be able to inject some fun into this clash to get our interest going?  It’s hard to say. It’s all arbitrary so our interest follows suit.  It’s not that it has to be this way, it’s just that everyone will have to put their heads together to keep things interesting.  It’s been a long standing issue and it’s not that it’s especially pressing now, this is the case for the lead up for all the lesser PPVs, how to keep it all interesting.  Hopefully, they use these lulls as opportunities to experiment.  This whole thing needs avid participants if it hopes to survive.  The more the roster gets to “play” the better for us all, I think.  What say you, Enthusiasts?  What would it take to keep you coming back?  Funny tweets get retweeted and as for Likes/Favorites, we’ll have to see if they implement some innovation.

See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
