Why Are You Still on HIAC? RAW Has More Important Business to See to...

A Merry Monday to You, Enthusiasts.

So, how did Hell in a Cell do for you?  I’ll be honest, I wasn’t disappointed but I thought some of the matches would be more interesting.  The best example being Jeff Hardy taking a hit for what seems like no reason to allow Randy Orton to get one of the more heeled victories I’ve seen in some time.  My point is why that way?  Since this match was hyped as the opener with Jeff Hardy doing something “he’s never done” and that it would be amazing only to see him drop from the top of the cell to crash through a table.  It’s either a shoot and he slipped or a work and they’re setting up some other angle but I can’t say what it would be.  It left much to be desired.

As for the closer, I’m not surprised they made it a melee with Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler coming out prompting Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins to follow in Roman Reigns’ defense but I was a little surprised at the displeased response for Brock Lesnar coming out.  I didn’t mind this angle but it looks like We the Audience are souring on him.  Before, it was anything to not have Reigns win, which more or less still holds true, but now it’s anybody but Brock Lesnar coming back.  Lesnar no longer supersedes a Reigns victory.  Looks like the fans are over the Lesnar thing and I’m not sure where the WWE goes from here.  There’s no clear direction.

As far as how tonight goes, it’s The Undertaker and Triple H to the rescue but again, these guys are getting old.  As much as I love H, these guys are over 50 and now I’m just hoping no one gets hurt.  That’s the thing about this form of entertainment.  It is, for the most part, a young person's game.  If you can stay in shape and keep up, all power to you but no one wants to see “Dad” get hurt.  One’s Dad, not Dad, Dad.  He’s busy.  Anyway, I say, just for the sake of entertainment, we allow these people their swan songs but after that, it will have to be better content.  Audience response is saying it all, they’re losing us and we’ll have to see if they come up with something that gets us chomping at the bit again.  In any case, funny tweets get retweeted and as for Likes/Favorites we’ll just see how the fallout shakes out before we get ahead of ourselves.

See You in a Bit,
-Nicole Alexis (^_~)
